Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Softball & Church
I thought Justin's softball games were fun to go to in Tallahassee. That's because I had never been to a softball game in Dothan. In Tallahassee the girls and I would load up the car and stroller (much like the picture above) and head up to Justin's game. We wouldn't see anyone we knew. I would sit in the bleachers and the girls would stay in their stroller. Justin played for his company's team and I didn't know any of the other wives. Well, softball in Dothan is much different. And much more fun. There's just something so enjoyable about going to a softball complex and seeing lots and lots of people you know and lots and lots of kids you know. Morgan doesn't sit in her stroller in Dothan. I talk to other wives that I know and meet lots of nice people who have known Justin and my in-laws for a really long time. We don't really watch the game (sorry Justin) we play, talk and eat fun treats from the concession stand.
Church in Dothan is similar to softball in Dothan. Wednesday night we went to church for supper and Wednesday night church and it took me back to Anniston all over again. It's something that is hard to explain, but going to a church for dinner (even if it is corndogs) and seeing lots of families with lots of children is so comforting to me. Don't get me wrong our church in Tallahassee has all of this and we did go a couple times, it's just so much larger that it has a different feel. We absolutely adored our church in Anniston and some of our fondest memories are due in part to the size of the church. It was a small church. A small church that was thriving, full of life, and full of people who loved Jesus and us. First Pres is larger than Faith Pres but not as large as Wildwood and I know it will be a good fit for us. There are lots of young families and the church body seems to be thriving. This makes me very excited about being a part of it and raising the girls there.
Here are a few random pictures. I may have talked the curtains up too much. The best part I think was the fact that the fabric was only $1.50 a yd. They don't look as cute as I had explained, but they do turn the girls rooms into caves.
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6:29 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
Visitors, Wanted and Unwanted
We had an absolutely wonderful weekend with my parents. They came into town on Friday afternoon and just headed out this morning. Friday we had enough time to show them our garden at the farm. It is full and thriving (thanks to an irrigation system rigged up by Justin) with squash, zucchini, corn, peanuts, okra, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, black eye peas, green beans, zipper cream peas, butternut squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, and lots of zinnias for cutting! We've already harvested squash and zucchini and in a few days we'll be up to our eyeballs in the crookneck squash & zucchini. Justin and I have always gardened together. Even when we dated at Auburn. He had a plot through an Auburn Ag. Dept Fraternity. It's been a while since ours has been this big... if ever this big. I look forward to charting the progress of the garden on the blog.
We enjoyed many meals on the veranda (my parents referred to it as a carport but here in S. Alabama we call them verandas-- that is for you dad) and lots of quality time with Squash. She's become somewhat of a permanent fixture around here and has made herself right at home. Since I've told you how hot our house is, you're probably not surprised that we leave all the windows and doors open. Squash thinks that's an open invitation. Mom was quite shocked to find Squash in the bathroom Sunday afternoon and ever since the little stinker likes to sneak in. She also has found a new favorite spot to nap... you'll see on the pictures. She looked so comfortable I couldn't dare throw her out!
I also had a very short and sweet visit with a dear friend from Tallahassee. Brooke, Brock, and Jake Veleber came by on Sunday and it was so good to see them. I was quickly informed by my husband that I needed to go get dad from the lot shortly after they got here, but it was a delight nonetheless! I hope to be a stopping point for lots of Alabamians who now reside in Tallahassee! We both got a good laugh out of the fact that when she called she was in the DQ parking lot... she knew she was close... she just didn't know how close! Thanks Brooke and next time I hope we can visit longer!!
The girls are down and I'm wiped out so I'm going to go to bed. I started this earlier this afternoon and just now have been able to wrap it up! Here's a link to some pictures from our weekend. I didn't get as many as I hoped but here they are anyway!
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4:43 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
14 days is too long!!
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6:15 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Timeline PLEASE!
I've never have been one to have my life planned out and I can pretty well roll with the punches. However, I seem to be struggling with this very thing. I had these expectations (they're dangerous I know!) of moving to Dothan and spending more time with my husband. I imagined him being a small business owner and being around so that I could have a little bit more time for myself. I imagined us being in a rental house while we build our house. And so far pretty much none of this is happening . And when I say time for myself, I don't mean time to get a pedicure, time to run errands, time to shop, time to sit and read, I really just mean time to go to the grocery store to buy our groceries. Having two young children really ties me to the house, especially when I can't seem to get them to sleep at the same time. I think I'm feeling a little trapped too!
Thankful for and reminding myself of His SOVEREIGNTY... Darby
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7:15 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
A Wonderful Mother's Day Weekend
We arrived Friday night and enjoyed a wonderful dinner with some old friends from Louisville. It was great to see Cara and Matt and Angie and Chris and their precious children. Cara and Matt have a little girl (Lily) who is Morgan's age and it was fun to see them together. Mom and Dad rolled into town late Friday night (a GIANT roach just landed on me for the 2nd time in a week while I sit here and type...argh! Time to call the landlord, AGAIN!).
My sweet husband treated me to wonderful Mother's Day surprises and I was reminded this Mother's Day what a special blessing it is to have two healthy and loving girls. I feel so very blessed to have my precious children and it was my prayer this Mother's Day to never take a day I have with them for granted. I also felt so blessed to be with my Mom this Mother's Day! It was so special to have her there and my girls all together which is a very rare thing for us! Mom and Dad are hopefully coming back through Dothan on their way home to Illinois.
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3:09 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Great Expectations
You can see our bedroom windows behind her. There are 4 along the back and two on either side. You can also see our neighbors house directly behind our bedroom (the house with the pool). They have a dog. She is tied to a fence. She's not allowed in the fence. She barks at us... A LOT. She seems sweet but doesn't like it when we go to our bedroom. She must think our bedroom is her bedroom. We think a lady lives there with 2 kids. I haven't quite figured it all out yet, but I'm working on it. Anyway, due to the extreme heat in our house we sleep with all our windows open. The sun rises a lot earlier here in central time. And apparently so does the dog and her owner. About every other day at 6:15 am the woman will walk out of her house (which is just a few feet beyond those uninsulated and open windows) and in a very loud voice say, "Move cat, move!" This is directed towards "Squash" who apparently doesn't belong to her. She makes it very clear because after she yells "Move cat, move!" about 12 times she says, "I don't know who you belong to, but it's not me. Move cat, move!" I have placed my digital camera on my nightstand in hopes of getting this on video. Justin and I just look at each other and question if what we are hearing is really happening or just a reoccurring nightmare. Thankfully we find it very amusing. So, along with photos of my new curtains (which have turned my children's bedrooms into caves) I hope to have a video clip of "that neighbor" and her 6 am dialog with "Squash".
Ok, about these great expectations I have. My parents are heading south tomorrow and I have very high expectations for a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. It has just been pulled together in the last week and I am so excited to see them and for them to see the girls. The girls have both changed so much since we were home for Christmas. Erika and Chance have been working hard pulling it all together and I know it will be a wonderful weekend. Morgan is so excited to go to the beach. Tomorrow night we'll get to spend some time with some old friends from Louisville that we don't get to see that often and I am really excited about the whole weekend.
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8:57 PM
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Dangerously Close to the DQ
One thing I failed to mention in my previous blog entry is the proximity of our neighborhood to every eating establishment under the shining sun. Especially the DQ! We could walk there if I thought we could cross the circle and make it to the other side. I found myself there yesterday and the day before. My baby has become a big girl and has learned to wear her big girl panties. We had 2 accidents yesterday but about 7 successful trips to the potty... including #2! Bribery with candy and other sweet treats is my main method for potty training. Ironically I have a very large weakness for candy and treats so if mommy uses the potty she gets a treat too! How exciting for me!
I took Morgan in her panties (which is probably one of the scariest things I've done in a while) with me to Hancock's Fabric (which is equally as close as the DQ--- scary, I know!) and she proved herself to be a big girl so on the way home we stopped for a treat! She brought it up and if she hadn't I probably would have!
My recent undertaking is curtains for all our bedroom windows. Morgan is her mother's daughter and I am certainly my mother's daughter. My mother made curtains for every window she ever owned and perhaps, since I am her daughter, I imagine she probably (like me) made curtains for windows she didn't own. I have spent the better part of the last few days working on these little gems and I am very anxious to get them hung, largely because they will cover our windows which seem to be made of nothing. During the day the temperature in here will not go below 78, even with the thermostat set at 73. (And the air blowing out of the registers is very cold!) During the heat of the afternoon with the sun beating in our windows (that are old aluminum crankouts and not insulated) it's a toasty 82 in here. Making these curtains is kinda like potty training Morgan... kind of a pain to do, but deep down inside it's really exciting and pleasurable to me. I think there's some creative and artistic section of my brain that needs to be exercised at least once or twice a month. Here lately it's only been exercised by using Crayola crayons on Curious George coloring books. Thankfully for Morgan, her mom loves to color. Yesterday we sat down and colored together and she kept saying, "Oooh Mommy, yours looks so pretty! That looks so good Mommy!" (Don't worry I gave myself a little pat on the back!:))
Anyway, the curtains are almost done and I'm so excited about them! I found some really cute fabric for Morgan's on the clearance table at Hancocks and found fabric for ours and Paiger's in my huge bins of fabric that I have toted from house to house and never used. Erika gave me the precious fabric for Paiger's curtains. I was so excited to tell her that I used it. She informed me that I made curtains for a rental house out of fabric that costs about $100 a yard! Oops, but it sure is cute!! Hope Paiger likes them! I have lined all of them with thermal black-out lining. Maybe my children will sleep all day now and not wake up drenched in sweat! :) I even bought velcro to velcro them to the window trim at the bottom; I don't want ANY of my cool air escaping!
Here's a link to some pictures of Morgan and Judson (and a couple of Paiger so everyone knows she's around too). We have 2 great baby pools, 2 sprinklers, and lots of outdoor toys, bikes, trikes, cars, you name it, but Morgan and Judson found the pond they built (with the help of Morgan's cousins) much more entertaining! Watching them play in it was so much fun! Enjoy! Oh, and don't worry... once these curtains are up, I'll send pictures of them too!
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6:54 AM
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Camping (with a cat)
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6:50 AM