Pardon Me While I Dote!

That's really all I can say... IT ROCKS!
Happy little children.
Doing happy little things!
And being GRATEFUL along the way!
Today was my "first" PRESCHOOL experience and I was the possibly the PROUDEST mother in the ROOM!

Seriously, how cute are they!?

I had to have total SELF CONTROL to not run up there and eat them ALL UP!
They were so PROUD of themselves; we were even PROUDER!

-----------CHANGING GEARS-----------
Do you press your coffee?
We used to not.
Now we do.
It tastes so much better pressed and it FROTHS.
You can get a French Press @ Tuesday Morning for less than $5.We've had a few fires this week and I've consumed close to 1 bag of MARSHIES!
Oh my!
They're dangerously good!Does your house smell good?
If the answer isn't an immediate "YES", try this:
1 apple {on the brink of death is fine}
2-3 C water
6-8 cinnamon sticks {you can get these at what I call "the DG" for $1}
1 handful of cloves
1 dash of nutmeg
the juice of an orange {or OJ from the fridge is fine too}
a splash of vanilla
I am going to go make my house smell good asap!!!! Also I am due the 27th (Thanksgiving!!!) but I am going to be induced the 25th!!! I can't wait!!
you rock. i'm with you on preschool being super duper cool. I love my daughter's school so much i sometimes wish i could stay! moments like these make you realize how wonderful it is being a mother:-)
I love doing little things for little people! The party turned out great! I am glad our little Indians had fun!
Captivating and Cozy post!!!
dote away, my friend! how fun! i'm currently in the middle of the "to preschool or not to preschool" debate in my head right now...wondering if a 2 year old program will be right for eli next year or if we should wait. you get me excited about the possibilities!!!
Great post Darby! I am so glad you had fun today. I LOVE marshmallows too!!!!
Morgan looked like she had fun!
I remember when you used to make our Ross St. house smell so good with your remedy mentioned in this post. I'm so glad you shared the recipe so I can recreate it! :)
Your kids are pretty fantastic - feel freet to dote more often! love you!
Your girls are too cute...I love the indian baby girl had her 3 year preschool performance party this week also and they did the same things...dressed as indians, wore macaroni necklaces and ate cute junk! I think preschool rocks also! So many cute things and cute kids! I love the simmer to smell up the house....Have a good night...Mandy
I love preschool, too! Every time I pick up Ben I can't get enough of those three and four year old faces looking out the door. This is my fifth year in a row dropping off and picking up at our sweet little preschool, and I still never tire of it!
Great pictures of your day!
precious indians!!
french press--DEFINITELY makes far superior coffee...
...and i need to get my house smelling good. i usually use williams sonoma's mulling spices. i will have to try this recipe!
preschool definitely rocks! love the little indians. we haven't been using a french press...think we'll have to try it!
I love the picture of you and the girls! I have a cinnamon candle going right now, but am definitely going to give the "smell good" recipe a try.
oh how precious! don't you just want to bottle up those days?
Darby 2 things... on the marshmellows... if you are making smores' use a carmellow and it is oh my so yummy... and the cider which i am currently drinking is really good chilled and then half water and half cider the next day... just a thought!
Hey Darby. Your post leaves me warm and fuzzy. One of the staples in my pantry is William's Sonoma Mulling Spices. Kind of like what being at the beach or any body of water does for my soul in the summer. Cinnamon, orange, etc. leaves my soul reallllllllyy happy during these 1st few cold days of an upcoming holiday season.
Hey Darby. Your post leaves me warm and fuzzy. One of the staples in my pantry is William's Sonoma Mulling Spices. Kind of like what being at the beach or any body of water does for my soul in the summer. Cinnamon, orange, etc. leaves my soul reallllllllyy happy during these 1st few cold days of an upcoming holiday season.
You are a girl after my own hear because I'm with ya on all of these things.
I wish my boys could stay in preschool forever, we love it there.
I'm with you on the press coffee. My husband and I are devotees, it's yummy.
cutest indian! elle has her "show" at preschool next tues. i can't wait! i've made a similar concoction on the stove before and it does smell delicious! hope you have a good weekend.
Too cute! We're looking into pre-schools up here for pace next year. At one school I saw them preparing for their thanksgiving play and heard they had a christmas play as well..."Sign me up!!!" I cried. The idea is just precious.
I'm going to try the apple smell goods. Jeremiah says we're "winterizing" the house and apparently smelling spices is part of his plan. He'll be pumped. How long do you let it simmer? Are you going to burn it like the pacies :)? Can you use it again the next day???
LOVE the Indian party. AC still sings songs from that! Morgan is one adorable Indian!
what a fun time!
Those turkeys are too cute! Off to make my house smell that yummy . . .
isn't preschool such a blessing. so nice to have a little time to yourself, and even nicer to see how much fun they have while they are there. julianna's Thanksgiving Feast was also on Thursday this week. check our blog tomorrow for some pics. one of our room mom's made super cute turkey cookies too!
I know this is totally off topic, but... I am in the process of upgrading my 3 year old daughter's room. We both love looking at your blog. She sees the pictures of your girls and thinks they are pictures of her (she is also blond.) All the pictures of the parts of your house that have been redone look just fabulous, and I was wondering if maybe, you could do a post on the girl's room? I am a super fan of your blog, you are truly inspirational.
I have that same little indian t shirt packed away in a box and it blongs to a girl who is mainly interested in going to sorority and faternity parties at this point in her life ! It makes me sad..just yesterday she was that little girl and now..she is gone..finding her own way in this world and having a good time doing it..Time flies...Cherish each day..
i'm am making my house smell yummy right now!!
I still so want to live at your house! Preschool is a little slice of heaven. It's just love, love and more love and they learn things like the fruit of the Spirit. It's so great!
Darby, the Hills are decorating our tree this afternoon and we are going to simmer up some of your smell good recipe to add to the holiday fun! Thanks!!
I agree with you....a good preschool program is a wonderful thing indeed! (for momma and child!)
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