When I called for recipes (or shortly there before) I met a very sweet and kind "reader" in Birmingham. Her name is Shireen Wright and I knew we'd click from the get-go! She emailed me and was so "real" and her words were so tender. Do you ever meet people like this? You can just see the love the Lord pouring out of them. I'm serious when I say this; I've never met her in person but she just bubbles with the Lord and it's so encouraging. Anyway, I told her I wanted to interview her for the blog and then I just read this on her blog and feel like I know her even better... y'all go read it! She's a fascinating woman. She's 30 years old, 1/2 Iranian, 1/2 Alabamian... and she speaks Farsi, English & Spanish... and loves the Lord... how cool?! We're going to get together when I make my way to B'ham (or when she makes her way south!). Anyway, she "tagged" me(which I'm guessing in blog language means "tag, I'm it" to do the same! :) So, get your cup of Joe, sit down and if you are interested in knowing 100 things about me... read on!
1. I was born in 1980 in Norfolk, VA
2. I've moved too many times to count since then
3. I have one sibling, a twin sister (who's on an adventure with a "friend" she met through blogging... you have to read her blog about it! She's so fun, I love her so much!!) 4. I lived with my sister until I got married in 2002.
5. When people ask me where I'm from, sometimes I don't know what to say, but usually answer "Louisville, KY" which is where I spent the better part of my childhood... however, my parents no longer live there.
6. My parents live in IL now on a farm that I LOVE (my dad works in Chicago but I would say he probably would still claim the farm for now) 7. My sister lives 2 hours from me at the beach in FL
8. I am a morning person
9. I love listening to birds
10. I can identify most birds... common & uncommon
11. My husband also loves birds
12. I accidentally watered the wrens (mom & babies) in my fern earlier this week... they survived & dried out and I apologized
13. Morgan (out oldest daughter (3)) can also identify most birds that can be found in our backyard
14. Justin and I love to garden
15. We have gardened every year since we got married (& at Auburn when we dated too)... this year he's already started planting... with my increasing waistline it's hard to get up and down... I told him I wanted to help "pick"
16. I love cucumbers (and anything else we grow)
17. I love cucumbers with tomatoes & feta cheese--- it could be a meal for me
18. My children don't like cucumbers (not even with homemade ranch)
19. I have brown hair & brown eyes, my children have blond hair & Morgan has blue eyes
20. Morgan is my middle name
21. Paige is not my middle name (but I still love her the same)
22. Our son, who's due in July, doesn't have a name
23. I love coffee in the morning... I break rules. I drink 1 cup of regular (Dunkin' Donuts whole bean ground by me) with Splenda and whole milk... mmm! I'm drinking it now.
24. I tend to wear my jammies until it's time to leave the house (my husband is not a fan of this-- I'm working on getting dressed early in the morning)
25. I only wear make-up 1 day a week... Sunday
26. I do moisturizer & sunblock daily
27. because... I love to be outside
28. I'm kinda "plain-jane" and don't really get into anything "fru-fru" like clothes & make-up. I don't really do anything fake... nails, hair, etc. I also don't get into "fake" people...
29. My sister is a fashionista and provides me with most of my clothes & shoes... her hand-me-downs often still have tags on them!
30. If I buy clothes, they probably come from: Ross, Target, KMart (which has cute clothes!), or Walmart (however my favorite pair of jeans I bought from Gap... they are called "Long & Lean" but I had to have them altered because I'm only 5'4" and they were too long with my flip-flops.
31. I'm borrowing most of my "new" maternity clothes from my friend Ann who was so kind to loan them to me.
32. My children also get a lot of hand-me-downs from my sister-in-law, Jennifer, who has 1 little girl. We get shoes, clothes and jammies. And she buys really nice & cute clothes!
33. If the girls have on a matching outfit, I probably made it. And I make their bows too.
34. I love to sew
35. I have a Viking sewing/embroidery machine
36. I sew primarily for my children
37. My mom taught me the basics of sewing in high school, my friend Tami taught me more about sewing and smocking when I had Morgan
39. I loved most my classmates and still do. I have PRECIOUS high school girl friends that I only see every few years but they are all so precious to me.
40. I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember. The earliest age I can remember having a "saving knowledge" of Jesus was probably 8.
42. I am now in a PCA church. 44. In a nutshell, that means, I believe that "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers." Romans 8: 29 and "For he chose us, in him, before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will- to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." Ephesians 1:4-6
45. In another nutshell, I believe that I am a big sinner with a bigger Savior. I am saved by His grace alone, not by anything that I have done or will do. Through His mercy, His grace was given to me freely through the sacrifice of His Son. I believe after being justified by faith in Him, we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit. I could go on and on... I'll save it for another day! 46. For my reformed friends Adam & Ashley, I believe church is for believers. :) (that's kinda an inside joke, but because this is the world wide web, I better clarify so I don't get ripped apart) I believe that the purpose of the church is to edify & educate believers for the purpose that they may be better equipped to reach out to those who don't know Jesus and bring them to the church. So, I don't think non-Christian's shouldn't go to church or be reached by the church, I just think the church can "slip" into a dangerous "place" of watering down the Gospel in order to "cater" to non-Christians who are there. Make sense? Pastors who don't use Scripture and give messages of false hope (or messages of "prosperity") make my skin crawl! You know who I mean!? Do I think the Gospel should be presented in every sermon... you bet! And do I think I need to hear it every hour of every day, you bet! I also think our church could do a better job of reaching the lost... 47. I like to exercise (talk about change of pace!)
48. I like to read
49. I like to blog
50. I like to cook
51. I like to eat
52. I love my Savior
53. I love my husband
54. I love my family
55. I love my friends
56. I'm reading The Shack by William P Young and I'm studying I Peter (it's a good one!) and "Get a Life" by Vicki Courtney (if you want a daily "devotional book" but don't know where to start-- this one's a good one! I always want a recommendation on devotionals... you hate to just randomly grab one-- I highly recommend this one! I'm doing it in a group but it would be good on your own too!) 57. Both I Peter and "Get a Life" talk a lot about submission
58. I'm terrible at submitting
59. I think I know best on most occasions
60. Sometimes I do, usually I don't
61. My children are still sleeping
62. Paige slept with us from 4 am until I crawled out of bed at 6 am... she's hopefully still in our bed
63. She has fallen out of our bed 2x
64. I am opposed to children sleeping in the bed with their parents... therefore, I oppose myself on mornings such as these
65. I would like to plant 3 hanging baskets today
66. I spend too much money sometimes
67. Money is tight right now and I'm hoping I can be tighter! :)
68. Sometimes I buy things that I see that I don't need...
69. I've learned it's better to stay home than to "run" to Target because then I buy things I don't need. I can't buy things at Target from home... well I guess technically I can but I can't just browse the aisles. It's usually the "clearance" aisles and racks that get me
70. I love fountain drinks
71. I love diet coke
72. We do Netflix
73. I love to travel
74. Don't do much traveling these days though
75. I've been lots of neat places
76. The most impactful trips I've been on have been mission trips to: Romania, Cuba, & Jamaica
77. My husband just brought me a Bays English muffin with butter & apple butter. Bays English muffins are REAL English Muffins... don't be fooled by impostors! 78. All of the bathrooms in our house are circa 1968, still.
79. I'm working on being okay with this
80. I had some moms over yesterday from church for a playgroup on the patio... it was a great time, but pretty hot.
81. Usually I like it hot.
82. I will be very large & hot this summer
83. I am hoping to deliver my 3rd child "the way God intended for women to deliver their children"
84. Morgan was born "this way"
85. Paige was a c-section
86. Both hurt really, really bad
87. I won't hold it against them
88. Both were big babies (and both a week or so early)
89. This little guy will probably be big too
90. He moves a lot and I love it
91. My dr is not really BIG on VBACs but she's willing to let me try and I appreciate her for that. But no induction and I appreciate her for that too.
92. I get nervous at the drs office and have to sit there for a few minutes before they take my BP... I'm getting better and try to not get nervous
93. If you are still reading I am impressed
94. I love to make & eat breakfast- hot breakfast... like eggs, bacon & grits... too bad I told you I already had an English Muffin because now I want a hot breakfast too! :)
95. I'm really excited about the cookbook... y'all have submitted over 50 recipes and it's going to be good! If you haven't submitted yet... please do so! 96. I can't wait to see my parents next weekend and my cousin, Erin... they're all coming from IL and I'm really excited to see them
97. My dirty floors gross me out...
98. I've been using Wet Swiffers on them but they tend to leave streaks--- any suggestions?
99. Sometimes I'm mean to my husband & children
100. they always forgive me... and they're mean to me sometimes too... and I always forgive them! :)
The end! That was pretty random! Ok, now I guess I get to tag someone... I'm going to tag 2 people Ashley in Huntsville (I think!?) (who I mentioned earlier, her husband tends to blog more than her and I want to know more about her!) and I tag Chris in Memphis. Ashley also graduated from Auburn and we both lived in the same dorm building but weren't friends. I missed out! And Chris, is married to my pledge sister and friend Kristen (but we called her Graves-- last name). He also graduated from Auburn and I only knew of him, I didn't know him personally at Auburn. On another Auburn note, my most precious friend, LA, also went to Auburn and we knew of each other but didn't "know" each other. I always love to see how God orchestrates friendships such as these! So War Eagle my blogging friends!