are SO nice & I want to be JUST LIKE YOU!
I just want to let y'all know how much I appreciate your emails, comments and ummm, yes, your gifts! I wrote
"Benefits of Blogging: Take 1" with the premonition that a blog like this might follow.
Above my
desk I have scribbled on a business card...
"He died for me. This truth ALONE is reason enough to be grateful for the remainder of my days!" And while that truth not only sets me free but gives me great hope & joy I consider each of you a "cherry on top" to the fact that I have a Savior who died for me. Y'all are some super generous, caring, and compassionate people and if ever a blog could be used for His glory I hope this one is... because He certainly is using y'all to encourage me... through not only your thoughts {& words} but also your selfless actions!!!
Some of you thoughtful givers I know in real life... like my friend Katie in Tallahassee, who was in a couples Bible study with us! She's a friend that I've kept up with primarily through blogging and I love her heart. She and her hubs are devout Catholics and we went through a couple studies {one on the Gospel of John and a Covenant Study by Kay Arthur} together and I always valued their input from a perspective that I knew {and still know} little about. She sent me a package last week and in it was a little something for me... a pedicure at a local salon. Would y'all believe that I have never {in my LIFE} had a pedicure?! I've had a "polish change" but never a pedicure! I know I'm post-partum but it brought tears to my eyes! Talk about being excited! I can't wait. Not to mention she included lots of precious things for JM too!
And... then there's Shelli, who went to Auburn, but is a "couple" years ahead of me and I know we've met in real life but ask me when and where and I couldn't tell you either... probably sorority rush. Anyway, she's my email and blogging friend and I feel like I know her like I know my own sister {who in real life lives 5 mins from Shelli's sister}. She has 3 little ones and always sends me encouraging emails when I post. She also would be a great partner in crime at any discount store {ie. TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshalls, IKEA} too bad we both have 3 kids and shopping trips for fun are few and far between {and I can't exactly speak for her, but I know for me I'd have to clean out the loose change that is collecting in my car "ash tray" to pay for my loot!}. Anyway, she sent us a precious care package a couple days ago... and in it was a "Bla Bla" for John Martin. Do y'all know about these things? I didn't until my friend Katie posted on them today! It's precious and his little eyes try so hard to focus on it's bright colors. She also included goodies for the girls & me!

And then last night the doorbell rang {again} and the kind UPS man left a package on my front steps... from: Eloise & Henry in Decatur, AL. My wheels started turning and I thought it must be from Jennie-Marie. She's one of those thoughtful givers you may have heard about on E's blog. She was a pledge sister of mine at Auburn and has blessed my children with the most precious things over the last 3 & 1/2 years. Well in the box were 2 bags {of the highest quality you've seen} from "Eloise & Henry" and the box smelled like heaven... yes, it smelled SOO good I could eat it {there was a grape scented sachet in there and the girls and I were drooling before we could even look inside the bags}.
The first one was for John Martin from Emma Hensley {the daughter of Jennie-Marie} and the second one was from Stephanie Gantt... the owner of "Eloise & Henry", a blog stalker that I have never met! Emma Hensley has the best taste and picked out the most beautiful outfit for John Martin and Stephanie has great taste herself and picked out a beautiful {and elegant} gown for me! Yes, I can sleep and nurse {yes, it's nursing-friendly and BEAUTIFUL!} in comfort & style and I cannot wait. Finally, I have something in my wardrobe that is just as soft as what is in John Martin's wardrobe... it ought to be that way if he's going to lay on me, right!?

The picture doesn't do it justice, but trust me they're both beautiful. They are made by Pixie Lily and I don't know what planet I've been on, but this is a brand I didn't know of! Oh my, both are heavenly and I can't wait to put my baby in his and me in mine!
I went for a 2 week check up yesterday and my doctor asked me if I had any post-partum blues. I told her that I had my "weepy" moments but that my mom had just left, I was recovering from major surgery, and I had 3 very young children at home... I mean who wouldn't be a little "weepy", right!? She said all of this is perfectly normal and she thinks I'm doing great! All I could think about was how encouraging all of YOU are to me! From the comments to the emails, you really do my heart good. I feel blessed beyond measure not only from my "blogging friends" but also those in "real life". My friend Tami not only brought us dinner this week but has had Morgan all day at the pool and came fully equipped this morning with Mylicon {because the fact that I thought John Martin was a good sleeper was short lived}. Another friend, Lindsey, brought us dinner and has offered numerous times to keep the girls at a moments notice. Andi also brought us dinner and has encouraged me so much because she's "been there and done that" with 3 little ones. One of Justin's best friend's mother has been here with blueberries, outfits and called me the morning my mother left and said she would do anything at all I needed... even the laundry! You've seen my piles... now that's a generous offer! Thanks, Janine!
This blog may take time away from "household duties" but I find it a complete blessing and honor to share my life with y'all and to read that most of y'all are going through the same things we are! Thanks for reading about the daily grind, praying for us and for showering us with so many blessings.
I really do think y'all are GREAT!! I know there's some country song about passing on the kindness that others show you to others {y'all help me here?} and I honestly have been so encouraged to do for others what you all have done for me!