Thursday, August 27, 2009

JM Tries to Walk

I'm out of words today. I'm not sure these need any words. If you have a total of 58 seconds to spare, these might make you smile. I've had a long day and I keep watching little man and he makes me laugh so hard. He used to crawl on all fours, he's now traded that crawl for a monkey crawl, the same monkey crawl Paige exclusively used until she walked... where do they come up with this stuff? I fear I'll be returning soon with some walking footage!


christy said...

Thank you for sharing, these are too cute! Love that little gasp-laugh.

annek said...

I love watching little ones learning to crawl and walk! Fortunately at work I get to see it a lot. Hurray for John Martin!

bryn alexandra said...

Soo cute!

On a separate note, I am just melting at the cuteness of the little southern accent I can hear in the background! THAT is just one reason I want to move to the south to raise babies. :)

alison giese Interiors said...

Almooooost THERE!

Love the monkey crawl - Avery did a crab crawl thingy - 'twas cute!

Kristen said...

Great job John Martin! Almost there. :)

Allison Hasel said...

Awww, man, that is adorable! He is such a little cutie.

Allison Hasel said...

Awww, man, that is adorable! He is such a little cutie.

Unknown said...

Adorable! Brought such a smile to my face!!

L said...

He's almost there! And are you gonna have your hands full when he is!! Those videos are really adorable :)

Melissa said...

Soooo cute! He'll be RUNNING before you know it though!

Unknown said...

Such cuteness!!! Thanks for sharing with us.

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I think he's getting it!! That's great! And I love the ice scoop- the nice silver one. Good thing he's got a hold of that. :)
So cute!

Mommy Harris said...

I kept wanting to reach through the screen and catch him! haha Oh how I remember that learning to walk! We're trying for our second one and I can't wait to go through that fun stage again!

PS- What a neat little glimpse into your life, usually we see only pictures but the video is neat! I need to do that on my blog, it gives it such a voice.

Susan said...

Love that monkey crawl. None of my 3 did that and it's so cute! My little guy started walking two weeks ago (I think he and JM are a few weeks apart, if not days). I already miss the crawling, though at the time, I was sooo tired of it.

Brandy said...

so cute and so funny, i can totally relate to the "walking lessons" i did that for weeks with daughter, but she is finally walking now!

Unknown said...

Loved it! My son is almost there too! He motors around so well with crawling that trying to walk is too slow! But I can't wait to see him tot around...he is our fourth so maybe I should not put that in print as in a few weeks I'll wish he was still crawling!

Loved to hear your southern voices! Thanks for sharing!

Rachel said...

Seriously!! I laughed! Well, first I got the oh-so-cute face! And then I laughed... because I have no children, I'm ignorant of the fact that children don't just sit there. They move - constantly ... even if it's a monkey scoot, or hopping on and off a chair!!! Only child syndrome - I tend to not know these things!! Seriously, when I have children I'm buying you a ticket to Dallas to teach me how to raise precious little ones...or you could just write a book, that too. It'd probably be a lot more confortable than staying at some strange girl's house!

Heather said...

Lovin' the ice scoop! My little guy prefers the grill spatuala...those such things become age apppropriate toys when its your 3rd or 4th in our case! Priceless stuff! Thanks for sharing...your blog is a favorite of ours!

No Longer Newlyweds. said...

Darby! I found your youtube channel for the first time tonight...I watched all 24 videos. Your kids are adorable...and Justin is exactly like he was in high school. "Straw Man" cracks me up. Keep up the good work.

Melissa Stover said...

so cute! he's almost there.

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Savi does the exact same thing!

Amanda Thrasher said...

Eat em up cutie patootie. Love the cheering section.

Laura said...

Hihihihi what funny!!!! I love you little boy...i wish to be there to hugs and kisses him so much!!!!
He is so lovely...

Courtney said...

That monkey crawl had me in stitches! Maybe JM would like to take a trip to Malaysia?? And hearing your girl with that sweet accent made me so happy! I replayed it twice for that alone!

Alexandra said...

The end of the 2nd video is great - straight to the camera :). He is such a cute boy!

bagfashionista said...

lol! he's like a little drunken sailor! he'll be walking before you know it!

Jennifer said...

Yay for John Martin! That almost walking stage is always so funny.

I have to admit that I'm proud he's taking his first steps in that little onesie! :)

Laura said...

This was hilarious. I especially liked the last part of the second kind of looked like JM was trying to walk on an imaginary tight rope. He was trying so hard! Too cute.

This Life said...

Adorable, he's so cute! Love the monkey walk :)

Scrappy_Lady said...

What a cutie!

Derek did the monkey crawl exclusively, so it's so cute to see that again. (Derek's now 3 and-a-half)

Whisks are/were the kitchen gadget of choice in our house. <3

beki said...

Ack! Look at him go!!

MatersandMelons said...

So cute!!!

Heather said...

This is adorable! Thank you so much for sharing these! My youngest just turned 12 months on Aug. 15th and is walking while holding our hands but gets bored after about ten steps! I love watching her chunky little feet making the steps but will really miss her crawling once she decides to finally talk off.
Have a great weekend!

kate said...

Oh this made me giggle! What a great ending to the day. Here's to the weekend!

Kiki said...

PRECIOUS! This is too cute!

hannah k said...

this brought a smile to my face. what a way to end the week :)

The Welch Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Welch Family said...

Darby, I remember Paige's crawl. Too funny! I can't believe JM is almost walking...he may be walking now. Your family is precious. We still miss you guys! God is so good!

Monogramchick said...

How precious is that monkey crawl! So cute :) Before you know it, he'll be flying around that house on 2 feet!

RCO said...

Darby, that was SO cute!!! He just about has it down. :o) Another milestone in everyone's life.

Love Being A Nonny said...

I love how he crawls! Too cute! Sure have missed you the last few days!

Mandy said...

so cute....he is precious and looking like he is right there...hope ya'll are well! I know this is a busy time with school and the fall and all things kicking up! Have a good one...Mandy

Mandy said...

so cute....he is precious and looking like he is right there...hope ya'll are well! I know this is a busy time with school and the fall and all things kicking up! Have a good one...Mandy

Pink Wallpaper said...

he is just too cute!

Analia and Co. said...

Very cute.....I love when babies are at this stage. Good luck with everything that comes with being a to open every cabinet and able to run wild around the house! I love your blog....always look for your updates!

Anonymous said...

It has been a whole week - your blogger fans surely do miss you, Darby! Hope all of you are well. JM is too cute with the monkey crawl!

Anonymous said...

Your children are just precious! You do so many things so well. We have missed your blogs. Hope you aren't under the weather.

Abby Maddox said...

I NEED you to come back! My children are bad. I am stressed. And I need you to make me smile :)

Anonymous said...

You are greatly missed! Hope you and your family are well. We need our daily dose of Darby!

lisa said...

Hi Darby,
I have enjoyed your blog for the last 4-6 months and as a new "empty nester" this fall, (my "baby boy", baby to 3 big sisters,just headed to BSC in AL), it has brought back fond memories of my own. Thank you so much for the time you put into it and the joy in mothering and homemaking you share.
I do hope you are all well and just taking a little break. I will whisper a prayer to the Father for you all each time I visit your blog until your return, (and continue after!)May God bless and keep you until that time and beyond!

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About Last Weekend said...

Hi, lovely to meet you. How gorgeous. I bet you are so pleased you have this all captured on film, priceless. I can't remember any of my fours' first steps - oh no! Love your blog (found through Kayce) so light and airy. Cheers, Jody

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