Our Weekend in a Nutshell

LA braided Morgan's hair and we just spent some time hanging out together. The Rager had fun too... her scab has finally come off her nose and she's looking more like herself! But I thought as a reminder to myself not to put her on the bed, I'd put one more picture of her on here with her big boo boo! :)
I'm experiencing some layout difficulties. I'm still a rookie at this and can't quite figure out how to get the pictures to lay nicely in the text. Bare with me...
Saturday morning we headed to Dothan with the intentions of finding a rental house. After looking at a couple we decided on one. It just so happens to be across the street from Ryan & Dona (Justin's brother & sister in law) and their 4 kids! It will be great for the cousins to all be so close and be able to spend time together! It's a yellow house with black shutters and has 3 bedrooms. It will be perfect for our family and I'm thankful that we found something so easily. It will be available to us on April 20th and we close here on April 30th. It will give us the perfect amount of time to get stuff in storage, do a little painting and get settled in. God's providence is so good!
We got to spend some time with Neal, Tami, & Judson on Saturday night and (as always) enjoyed the time we had with them. I came down with some sort of bug on Saturday night and ran a fever throughout the night. Thankfully by Sunday morning it was out of my system and I was back to normal! We saw George, Amanda, Collins, Cooper & Cal on Sunday afternoon and got to catch up on their lives.
We didn't drive back to Tallahassee until this morning and what an awesome thing we got to see... the most beautiful sunrise! It's been a while since I've actually seen a sunrise and I'm not sure how I could possibly forget the beauty of one. I wish that I would have snapped a picture but I'm certain it wouldn't have done it justice. The book I'm reading (Helper by Design) started in Chapter 1 with a poem that says
"The earth is crammed with heaven and every common bush afire with God: But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit round it, and pluck blackberries, and daub their natural faces unaware."
This morning God enabled me to "take off my shoes" and see that the sunrise "was crammed with heaven and afire with God".
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