Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Prayers Please

As I mentioned before, my friend Chris is in Houston this week at MD Anderson Cancer Center being seen for a tumor on his jaw. He has met with the Head and Neck Specialist and has undergone many test this week. He will meet with the specialist again tomorrow morning. The doctor is being very straightforward with them and thus far has suggested removing his mandible. As you can imagine this would be a very involved procedure. They are also scanning his lungs tomorrow morning to insure no distant spread. Sometimes people ask for prayer and it just goes in one ear and out the other. When you're in your car, or changing a diaper, or walking the dog, or maybe when you get done reading this, would you please say a prayer for Chris? Pray for healing, for strength, for peace, for wisdom, and pray that he will take comfort in his Heavenly Father. Pray for his family and girlfriend as they too are walking through this with him.

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