Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sad & Joyful
Posted by
8:14 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
For all you moms & dads...
I know I just posted a new post but this video takes the cake. I found it on someone else's blog and it made me laugh so hard that I cried (I for sure thought I had turned into a Brown-- which by the way, please share this with Katie and Scott). You have to listen the whole way through. I also love that the daughter walks in behind him while he's singing. Morgan is notorious for ALL of this... and especially tip-toe'ing in our room without saying a word and about scaring the living daylights out of us! I hope this little ditty brings you a smile like it did me! The last couple lines are the best! Enjoy!!
Posted by
2:53 PM
Life this Weekend & Today
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1:00 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Please continue to pray...
We're back at home now from the "smoke out" (I accidently typed "smock out" which I wish it was a smock out-- sounds like more fun!) and I just wanted to remind those of y'all who check this regularly to pray for Boothe and Conor and their family.
Posted by
9:08 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Fire on the Mountain... Run Boy Run!
It was an average Thursday morning at our house. I was bribing Morgan to go to school today so I could get some things done. Paiger was scooting about the house and a bit fussy. I was a little frantic because I had wasted half the morning searching on the internet about how to add a song to my blog (which I never did figure out-- Lenzie can you please help me?) and as a result I forgot that I put 8 pacis on the stove on high to "sterilize". I loaded up the girls and took Morgan to Mother's Morning Out and the Raiger and I headed over to the new house to see Daddy's progress. An hour and half after I put the pacifiers on the stove I remembered that they were still on. I flew like a bat out of hell from the new house to the rental house. The whole way I prayed that the house wouldn't be on fire. I knew had set them on HIGH but only half of the heating element on our stove works so I prayed for a miracle. I could smell the smoke and hear the smoke detector as I jumped out of the car. The smoke was so thick I could hardly see in the house. It was the most awful smell I've ever smelled... burnt rubber and burnt plastic... and the smoke had permeated every corner of the house. I threw the pot out the door and frantically ran through the house trying to get all those dadgum window treatments out the way so I could open the windows and doors. I probably shouldn't have even been in the house. I kept thinking "stop, drop, & roll" but that would have taken too long so I stupidly ducked low endured the smoke until I set up fans and opened everything that would open.
Of course, I couldn't get Justin on his cell phone and I didn't know what to do. I guess I could have called the fire department but there was no fire so I wasn't sure what they could have done for me. Thankfully we have renter's insurance and the "Fire Restoration" company came out this afternoon. They've placed two 'ozone' machines in the house that actually fill the house with ozone (as in O3) and hopefully deplete the house of all toxic, burnt plastic fumes. So, for now we wait and hope these machines get all the nasty smell out of our clothes and furniture. I guess the miracle was that the house didn't burn down and hopefully everything will be okay. From now on I will just wash the paci's with some antibacterial soap and pour some hot water on them.
Just thankful to be alive and still have some stuff... which thankfully is just "stuff" after all!
Posted by
3:18 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Snake Charmer!
If you know Justin at all, then you know he was so proud of his girl for handling this snake with such poise. First, I will defend myself by saying that I would never let my child hold a snake that I thought would hurt her in any way (and of course Justin wouldn't either-- that's not to say that he wouldn't handle one that could hurt him... but that's another subject). This is a very small snake (it actually looks bigger in the pictures than it did in real life) and it's a rat snake, which is not poisonous and Justin held it first for a long time to make sure it was calm and kind. It never once seemed to be bothered by being held, even by a 2 year old who has a tight grip. With that said, as you will see, our little naturalist loved every minute of it. She's a lover of all creatures and a snake to her was even more exciting than a frog or toad. In fact, she was very sad to put it back in the fern where it came from. But we easily distracted her by showing her the mouse/rat (not sure which it was) that Squash had brought home half eaten. :)
For those of you who have checked in on the Farley's blog, please continue to keep them in your prayers. Little Copeland is doing okay and they have posted new pictures of her! What a precious gift she is from God. I keep reminding myself that we serve such an awesome King who is a Creator and a Physician. He, who created Copeland, will also be the one to sustain them in their time of need. What an omnipotent God we have! It is so evident that they hold tightly to the truth and it's amazing how it has carried them thus far. Although I have no idea the depth of their pain and suffering, I recognize that the empathy I have is a gift from God to help me pray for them. My heart aches for them. I think of my children and I am in agony with them. Please keep them in your prayers!
Posted by
2:58 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
I'm Okay!
Morgan will be 3 in November and has never had her hair cut. And seeing as how I come from a long line of hair dressers, I thought it would only be appropriate if I cut her hair myself. Easier said than done on a 2 year old! But we pulled through, and she now looks like an even bigger girl with a haircut that is even all the way around... or at least close to even! :) I took a few pictures... here's the link
Posted by
3:32 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
For You Late Night Blog Checkers...
Would you please say a prayer for me! I just got home from taking the girls out for dinner at McAllister's and I ordered chicken salad.... which I never order! But after bite #2 I decided that it did in fact taste AWFUL and very rancid. I proceeded to take it back to the counter and ask for something different. The lady returned with my turkey and told me, "the guys in the back didn't keep it where they were supposed to" So in other words, at 6pm this chicken salad has probably been sitting on the counter all day. Needless to say, I didn't eat the turkey sandwich for fear that it would all come up later and I figured the less I have in me the less will come up! And I just posted a few hours ago for mercy from all the illnesses... I'm still holding to that prayer! Hopefully I have a digestive system made of steel! Thanks for your prayers!!
Posted by
6:57 PM
Another Sick Baby!
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3:11 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Popsicle Pals!
I love these 2 little girls more than I could ever imagine. I truly feel so very blessed and recognize what a gift they are from the Lord. Morgan has been surviving on Popsicles since she got sick on Sunday and of course the Raiger has to have whatever big sister has. As I gave Paige a jellybean yesterday I questioned my ability to mother, seeing as how she only has 2 teeth and one on the way! But she manged to suck it down without a problem! I used the red eye touch up on their eyes and I always think it makes them look not quite "right" but at least black pupils are better than glowing firery red ones!
Posted by
3:41 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
A new illness among us!
This is the same little girl at breakfast this morning. She insisted on feeding herself and you can see what happened then... she loved every minute of it! And she thought she was such a big girl too!
Morgan and I were cleaning up toys last week when I glanced down to see what she was doing and this what she had come up with. All laid out just as you see it in the picture. I laughed so hard and knew that Justin wouldn't believe me unless I photographed it. I decided that now is not the time to explain what it was that she spelled!
My little cat in a hat! So, this little girl is the only thing I will miss about "the rental house". She's always around and makes me smile when I walk outside. I found her sitting in not just 1 but 2 hats last week and couldn't resist going in for my camera. She's such a ham and loves to smile for the camera. I'm just glad she's still around. A couple weeks ago I left the back hatch of my car open and apparently she hopped in around 9 am. I looked out the window and saw that I left it open and ran out to shut it. Not realizing that Squash was inside. Around 2:30 pm I went out to get in my car to run some errands and guess who was inside?? It was probably 190' in the car. She was still alive (praise the Lord) but her little chest was beating so hard. I tried to give her water but she wasn't interested. I guess that's why they say cats have 9 lives. Little squash only has 8 left!
Well there is a new illness among us. Morgan has croup and I'm praying really hard that Paiger doesn't get it. I think it's one of my least favorite viruses that children can get. A nasty, scary cough and high fever makes for one pathetic little 2 year old. She told me today that "bear" had croup too. That he had a high fever and needed some Tylenol. When I asked her how bear got croup she informed me that he touched the potty and got the germs on him! And sometimes I think she's not listening to me!!
Justin managed to take down 16 trees this past Saturday. I've been on pool duty and it's stressing me out already. The old woman stopped her lawn service and pool service 2 weeks before we closed. And the guys at pool shop told me it only takes a couple days for a pool to turn green... well guess what I have!!?? A lovely green pool. I have to shock it everyday until it looks good again. They started talking about priming the pump and backwashing... I told them I'd have to come back another day for that lesson! I've been in 3 times and we've only owned the house 3 days! I'm sure they'll start rolling their eyes when they see me pull in the parking lot! Oh well! This is the pool before it turned green... this is what I'm hoping to get it back to real soon!!!
Posted by
8:21 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
On the Mend and Getting Excited!

Posted by
3:26 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Prayers Answered for Chris!!
Dear Friends,
We do not have all the final reports back regarding his biopsy. There are several issues regarding the mandible that may take upwards of a month to return. The good news is that there appears to be good surgical margins. The new news is they have changed his diagnosis from a carcinoma to a sarcoma. The final reports will answer 2 or 3 additional questions, but will not change the basic diagnosis of sarcoma. When Dr Weber gave us this report, he started by saying this was a surprise to him and in his long career had only seen 5 or 6 of these tumors. We asked you to pray in a previous letter that Chris could avoid radiation. This prayer has been answered, but unfortunately, replaced with a new challenge.
Thirty years ago, little was known about sarcomas and patients uniformly did poorly. Several places around the world now have sarcoma centers, including Anderson, and cure rates are becoming acceptable. One of the fathers of sarcoma treatment plans is here in Houston and we have met with him. The plan going forward is to heal from his surgery and then return to Houston for a 9 month regimen of fairly intense chemotherapy. There are a total of 12 treatments given for a week each, followed by 2 weeks of rest, and then a new treatment. The advantage to staying here is that it is Anderson that has devised most sarcoma protocols and they therefore have more experience with potential complications. We have questions still to ask, but in the meantime, are considering looking for rentable housing close to the medical center for the next 9 months.
We are trying to make wise decisions on a variety of things, both medical and logistical. Chris continues to have the most enviable attitude imaginable and we are steadfastly confident that within a year we will be through this and we can all get on with our lives. By the way, Chris got the news at the end of last week that he had passed the final part of his CFA exam (Chartered Financial Analyst). That's a fairly big deal in the world in which he works. There are 3 parts given a year apart that are day long tests. Somewhere he read that only 6 percent of applicants pass all parts of the test consecutively, but then again, we have always known that God gave him a sharp mind.
Sorry that you can't erase us off your prayer boards. We appreciate the cards, emails, and all the tangible ways that love and concern gets expressed. Many of you apologize that you are "bothering" us with your email. The total truth is that Olivia and I treasure what you say and read them over and over. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Labor day.
Gods blessings to you all, Louis and Olivia
Posted by
10:07 AM