Where to start....
It's 9:15 pm and I have a feeling I won't last long enough to finish this blog entry! As I fluttered around the house today I questioned whether I had it in me to blog when it's been so long... but here goes anyway.
The "gay"ble guys (who are also "partners") temporarily hooked us up to the rest of the world yesterday. I honestly could do without tv as long as I live but the internet I've come to rely on fairly frequently. It's nice to have it back.
December was a good month for us... it was a challenging month with trying to get moved in and the holidays are always hectic. But I have so very much to be thankful for that I really can't think of anything other than the bountiful blessings He's provided. We did have a time of grief when our good friends Abby and Jeremiah lost her precious mother to a long battle of cancer. We grieve her earthly loss but remind ourselves that she's whole and complete and best of all with Jesus!
I've added a bunch of pictures to sum up the month and these don't really even sum it up. I would have loved to have been with my family for Christmas but greatly enjoyed the "simplicity" of being home and having our little family in our own home (a first for us)! The girls are growing up so fast and have become "best friends" as Morgan would say. Tonight she asked Justin if we would have to get rid of Paiger when the other baby is born. When Justin explained of course we wouldn't, she replied, "You mean we're going to have 2 babies!?" I love the way their little minds work. Paiger took a pretty mean spill tonight and there's not much worse than running to a child who is looking at you with blood spilling out of their mouth and already dripping all over their jammies. She seems to be ok and I never did get a "good" look in there to see exactly what part of her mouth took the brunt of the fall but I'm hoping it wasn't those little teeth!
Ok, so it's 9:26 now and I'm going to explain these pics and call it a night!! Love to all my long lost blogging friends! I hope you haven't given up on me!!

WELCOME BACK, Darby!! It's been WAY too long! Glad you're back in the wonderful world of blogging b/c I've been missing you! How are you feeling, little mama?!
So glad you are back..I have missed you so...I think the girls have grown up since we last saw them on the internet! Hope you are feeling better. Robin
Hey Dary-Its good to have you back! I was soo tired of seeing the burned lot:-)...Your babies are so sweet. Praying for you to have strength in these very full days! Love ya
Hey Darb! Congrats on the new stickler peanut - I can't believe you're gonna be a mom of 3!! We miss ya'll here in Tally, but I'm glad ya'll are settling in and that you had a nice holiday. We'll have to get all these kids together sometime - are ya'll gonna be in Tallahassee anytime soon?? Love and miss you guys!
D-Bone! I am so glad your back. I have been checking daily for your return. Hang in there, you'll get all caught up and be back to normal in no time!
Yay! I'm so glad to see pictures of those beautiful girls and hear the update! Are you feeling better? How's the house coming? It's been tough for me to get settled with just one kiddo...I can't imagine doing it with two! Welcome back to blogland!
Hey D!! Welcome Back! I've really missed all the updates on your life - looks like Christmas was so much fun. I'm so glad your girls are so close and get to be best friends:) Love you friend!
Great article this is very informative .......keep posting Thanks Regards
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