Might I suggest: Frosted Banana Bars & Wanchai Ferry!?

Last night we had Wanchai Ferry & Frosted Banana Bars and because I don't like to keep too many secrets {especially not good ones}... I thought I'd let y'all know that you may want to try both of these! The Banana Bar recipe {that I've linked to above} is not my own... but it's close enough. Keep in mind these are
bars and if you've made
Granny Kat's Pumpkin Roll you oughta have a "jelly roll pan" {10x15} handy!
I really like Chinese food, but under normal circumstances will only eat it
"to go". When I have my choice I get
General Tso's chicken. It tastes really good but you have to first make sure you don't cut the piece of chicken in half, then when you place the chicken in your mouth, be sure to close your eyes as you take it from your plate to your mouth, and then chew fast and swallow. Whatever you do....
don't cut the pieces of chicken in half and try to identify what part of the chicken you are eating. Remember, you got this from the local Chinese restaurant* and you wouldn't want to actually eat it there either, unless you are 100% sure you are fully vaccinated.
If you are psycho like me, you will really like Wanchai Ferry! It's easy and convenient and you have full control over what is in your meal! The Sweet and Sour Chicken is my favorite but can be a tad too sweet. The solution: a little crushed red pepper flakes! The girls love it too! I used the smaller size {not the family size pictured above} and I probably should have used the family size but I didn't see it! Maybe it's only available through Amazon!? Next time I order my groceries online... Anyway, if you try it, you may want to make a little extra rice. And if you're going to make extra rice please make sure it's not "minute rice"... can I suggest Jasmine rice? It's more authentic and tastes really good! Sure it doesn't take 5 minutes, but if you have any children or a husband I guarantee it will take them the 25 minutes it takes to cook the rice to get their carcasses to the table. So, I suggest you say, "Dinner's ready!" when you put the rice in the pot and by the time it's ready your little family will be sitting down ready to eat! :)

Now, a post only with pictures of Wanchai Ferry, rice & B-A-N-A-N-A s wouldn't be fun... so here are the girls before school yesterday. Paige sat down and took her shoes & socks off before we walked out the door.... what a little stinker!

*not all Chinese restuarants are dirty and gross... just most of the ones I've been in
Darby, my Adam is with you and the Chinese food. Sadly, I can't even convince him that PF Chang's is safe (he calls it (excuse this language) "pf chunk's of dung"). However, we have found the Quick Pad Thai (peanut sauce version) at Publix, and HE WILL EAT IT! He loved it. It's in the same section as that stuff you bought. I might have to try yours, too.
You are too funny!
Can't remember how I came upon your blog - but I LOVE IT!!! Your kids are precious and your family is beautiful. Just curious - do you always dress the girls alike? Too cute!!!
Please...you do not have to put a disclaimer! The only clean Chinese restaurants I've been in have been PF Changs and I guess some (read above comment) don't even think that passes the test! I will say PF Chang's does stress me out, if I'm going to do a family style meal I can do that at home, plus there always seem to be little hands picking food off my plate and yet those little hands leave Greg totally alone...wassup with that.
I just bought a meal kit for in the Chinese section at the commissary. I had a coupon for it..."Simply Asian" I think was the brand and I have the "Sweet and Sour" kit you talked about in my pantry, I've been too chicken to try it (HA...no pun intended).
I will have to try the banana bars. Yesterday I found banana teddy grams...YUM!
Darbs! I LOVE that you go to Allrecipes.com! Isn't it a great resource!?!?!
Paige and Morgan are SO cute, all dressed and ready for school! :)
Read my blog this morning, too! I was not in the greatest spirits yesterday when we IMed each other...the blog will explain why...lack of QUALITY time with Russell...well, MY kind of quality time. We ended up have a good, fulfilling date night, and I want you to read all about it! :)
You and Justin need to try out what we did!! :)
Let me know your thoughts!!
Love you!
I bet you made the girl's outfits! So cute. My husband and I love take-out Chinese....don't ruin it for me. LOL
Agreed- NEVER look at the "chicken" when you're eating! I'm going to get this because Chris loves Chinese food and I refuse to eat it out because of the mystery meat. What a great thing to have on hand!
you are so funny! & I will definitely be trying both! Allyson made the pumpkin roll for Granny Beck this weekend too-THANKS TO DARBY-she looked like a pro! I Love YOU LOTS!!!
ps-is it RAINING at your house today? i don't quite recognize this stuff falling from the sky! :)
This is too funny! You always say things that I've thought! I would never stand for my daughter to leave the house without shoes much less walk around in a Chinese Restaurant with out them....but I do love Chinese....God help me I do.... :-)
Thanks for sharing! I'll totally try this. I'm always looking for new recipes and easy meals (especially since we've added our 3rd child to the mix of our crazy family only a few weeks ago)!!
darby!!! i am gonna beat you if you keep posting food stuff. do you know i fought myself off of those pumpkin muffins for at least a week before i caved? and there is always banana in my house that is in need to be make into some kind of banana bread (cause we'd rather have a cookie than a banana!). and chinese food...that i can make at home?? i'll be trying that too! and if you want a recipe that combines chicken and bananas, i'll email you a curry recipe! soooo good, even if you aren't typically a curry fan.
FUNNY,FUNNY,FUNNY! Never do I EVER think of preparing Chinese, but maybe I need to try it for something different!
As usual, your photos of the children are adorable!
The banana thingies sound great too!
Darby, On a side note not related to this post. I was registering at google reader and added your blog to my list of blogs. Most of the blogs I added at 5-10 readers (my own blog just 3) some of the coupon blogs I read had 100-200 readers, some upwards of 700. You had close to 300 readers just registered to read your blogs on google reader. That is amazing girl! Keep blogging!
love the applique' shirts... i have a new applique i have to share with you... it is a little girl must!!!
LOVE this post! Tell me where do I buy this Chinese delight? Walmart. Hope so, if not, I'm out of luck.
Loved the disclaimer! Great to see you tonight! So glad you are in the study too. a
Thanks for the tip! Will definitely try. I love chinese :)
check out these lettuce wraps http://keithandashleigh.blogspot.com/2008/08/good-bad-ugly.html
So yummy & close to PFChangs.
we just made the banana bars on Saturday night and they were a huge hit. we had a shrimp boil for dinner and the bars for dessert. I used can frosting (i know i know) with SPLENDA (my dad is diabetic) and they were still excellent and daddy could enjoy them to!
My mom says to quit giving me all these "projects" to attempt!
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