Well, friends, your answers were hilarious but perhaps I should have given you just a couple hints. A major one would have been: we don't watch tv. I used to watch TLC on Monday nights but then we started our small group and Kate was starting to get way {as Raiger would say} under my skin. There have been a few times when I feel somewhat uninformed because we don't watch tv. Erika called early last week and asked me something about swine flu. I said, "What are you saying... swine? Like pigs?" She went on to ask me if I was still living on planet earth. ANYWAY... there was only one person who was remotely close...
I walked in and it went like this:
Me: Girls, what are y'all doing?
Morgan: Mom, we're at a Bluegrass Festival and Paige is breastfeeding her bear.
Me: A Bluegrass Festival?
Morgan: Yes, Mom... we're at a Bluegrass Festival.
I guess if you're going to breastfeed in public I can think of few better places than a Bluegrass Festival. I've personally only been to one {maybe 2} "bluegrass festivals". Justin took Morgan to hear bluegrass music 2 years ago and apparently that's where she pulled it from. They had the stroller {next to Paige} loaded down with a picnic blanket and other "dolls". Kids, aren't they the best?!

Hope, send me an email: darby613(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thanks for playing... let's do it again soon, ok!?
ps- I'm having an absolute BLAST with the fam. We have a BIG weekend ahead of us and I'll be sure to update soon with pics... oh, and round 3... yes, that's coming soon too!
Bahahahahaha! Breastfeeding at a bluegrass festival. That is priceless!
That is so funny that first they decided to be at the bluegrass festival, and that while they were there they decided that the baby needed to be breastfed! Hilarious!
That is cute! Hey, can you tell the rest of us where we can get the super cool mugs?
Haha! What a riot! That is too cute.
That is so funny....Love it
Goodness! I laughed so hard!! I should've at least gotten somewhere close; my parents actually met at one!
Oh my goodness! I laughed out loud for way too long at that one. Kids really do say the darnedest things. Thanks for sharing parts of your life with us. They are so cute!
This is so funny. I love it. I even read it to my hubby.
i was sure mine had made it!!! that's really cute!
So funny! And festival for breastfeeding is hilarious, but bluegrass especially. Love it!
That is GREAT! Breastfeeding - they'll definitely have fond memories of that! Oh, and we don't watch TV either, with no cable and all. Although we do sneak a few episodes of network TV in every now and then...NO network news though (or FoxNews sadly). I can't stand it! I don't miss cable AT ALL!
That is absolutely hysterical!
As for TV, I don't watch nearly as much as I used to. Growing up and especially when I went college, that is all I did. (when did I study? haha) But when Jeremy and I got married, I stopped watching so much b/c he doesn't watch a lot of TV and I decided I would rather spend time with him. And it is honestly so freeing knowing that I don't have to be home, through with dinner, etc. b/c my show is coming on! Although we do watch American Idol...But we swear next year we're not going to!
This cracks me up! I don't think any of the answers were as funny as the truth!
Hey y'all - I should have known, if I looked a little closer and seen the give-away "no shoes" barefoot, then I sure would have guessed that they were at a "Bluegrass Festival"
lol - too funny.
YAY! Congratulations, Hope!!
I agree with the second Rachel: the real answer WAS way funnier than any that we came up with (though I still think Regis and Kelly was clever).
Hey, Hope, when can we all come over for coffee? :-)
that's hilarious... happy Mother's day Darby! :)
that is one of the funniest things i have ever heard.
and i dont think anyone could have ever guessed that!! children are amazing.
i just read it to my husband and he died out laughing too.
too funny. My daughter all of a sudden has a fascination with nursing. I don't watch tv either and was quite confused when my husband was telling me about the "swan" flu, oops.
Kids are so great with what they say! I'm cracking up! Happy Mothers Day Darby!
ok, that is freaking funny. the breast-feeding, the festival... you and the swine flu?!?!?! You crack me up.
laughing so hard!
This cracks me up! Next up, hippy dresses and birkenstocks:)
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