Longleaf pine seedlings after a site prep burn.
Hey friends! Darby is having severe blog withdrawals and has asked me (Justin) to let you folks know that we are, in fact, alive but that we still don't have internet at our new house. So rather than work on bonified billable work, I am blogging for her while she gets our house ready all by her pregnant self!
We have spent that past week in our new house and are enjoying it immensely--and we've added our cur to the list of occupants. I don't have any pics to share concerning our house or our family but I do happen to have a nice shot of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) seedlings that were planted on our farm after a prescribed burn last year.
By the way, I've been reading some of Martin Luther's sermonds that he preached in 1532 during the Advent and on Christmas day. Wonderful stuff! And did you know that he is to thank for putting lights on Christmas trees? It's true. You can find that and other great stories of Christmas traditions in Ace Collins' book The Stories Behind the Traditions of Christmas.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christ-centered Christmas!