Top of the Morning to ya'!

I wasn't going to post this morning... but then I started thinking... I get so disappointed when I click on blogs that I enjoy reading to see the same (burrito {Lenzie}, kids sitting in a pumpkin patch {Graves}, new baby {Abby} ) over and over again. So, I thought, although I have nothing tremendously noteworthy to say this morning, at least you'd have something "new" to look at when you click on this blog! :) And for those of you who like to "stalk" I hope that gives you just tad bit of excitement this Friday morning!
Seeing as how fall is now in the air in LA (lower Alabama) I'm going to make my all-time favorite dessert this afternoon... Granny Kat's Pumpkin Roll. It's the same recipe I've used for years and always tastes DELICIOUS and is much easier to make than it looks! And always gets "oooos and ahh's" from a crowd. So, if you're looking for something festive, fun, pumpkin & cream cheese, I highly recommend this one! Mmmm!
We've had a productive week at the house and by the grace of God we are still married and sleeping in the same bed. It's been a rough one this week. That dad gum terrazzo will get you every time. As aforementioned in this blog, we discovered terrazzo as we peeled back (sounds so easy) our carpet, linoleum, and tile and thought we'd see what we could do with it. We went ahead and ordered the floors for the "great room" (kitchen & family room) because we had decided to put floors in there. I'm a little bit particular and like a seamless look and think floors should only change at thresholds. Well, last week we decided we'd at least clean the terrazzo and see what it looks like. I told Justin that if he spent all this time (4 days!) cleaning them, would he promise to not be upset if I still don't like the look and want wood?! Well, 4 days later, lots of sweat equity and long hours... unfortunately (for Justin), I still wasn't big on the terrazzo. Don't get me wrong... I think it could be really cool in the right location (sun porch etc). But seeing as how our house is more "traditional" I just couldn't find myself happy with it. It was only in the kitchen and den and the transitions into these 2 rooms were drastic and involved thresholds because the wood was higher than the terrazzo. The wood (wild pecan) looked so "finished" and "rich" and the terrazzo looked so "cold" and "unfinished". There's a big stone fireplace in this room and to me the wood would be more appropriate in this room. So, after much debate (thankfully not too heated) and great patience on behalf of our floor guys (who sat around looking at us yesterday as we tried to make up our minds) we decided to put the floors in the kitchen and family room too. It was a stressful decision and we could have saved a lot of money... however because the floors are tongue and grooved coming back later wouldn't be easy and would leave the floors with strange thresholds... where as now the look will be seamless.
For your viewing pleasure I'll attach a picture. I think you'll see what I mean about the rooms (which are open to one another) look drastically different and that the wood will look EXCELLENT throughout! :)

Thanks for updating. I love "stalking"....I mean "visiting" your blog. Your house is gorgeous!! The floors are going to be beautiful too!
Your kitchen looks AMAZING!! I can't wait to see it finished. As a fellow "networker" as Lenzie calls blogstalking..I appreciate your random post, just so we will have something to read!
thanks for the pumpkin roll recipe. I am going to try it. :)
Your house is looking amazing! I love your kitchen and the lights about the counter. Thanks for some new pictures. I check my friends blogs every day and it is sad when there aren't new pictures...I guess people of lives, but blogging should come first, right: )! Just kidding. Thanks for the recipe. I love fall food!! Have a wonderful weekend. It's really cool here today in Boston...I love it: )!
sorry, I meant to type "above the counter" : )
Your house looks so good! I'm glad Justin is a good, patient man! Y'all have been through lots of home projects and moves over the past few years-So, I'm glad to see y'all made it through the floor change! :) I can't wait to see the finished project! Are we the only ones not going to Auburn?? It's a little sad...makes me feel better to know I won't be missing out on seeing you though! Walker's finishing windows and painting the laundry room today. We'd like to put it up for sale soon. Any advice?
wow!!! it has come sooo far!! love the floors! and most of all love the Raiger!! I just laughed looking at her! So precious! Have a great weekend! Shelli
ok the wood floors are beautiful! everything looks so good! Can't wait to see more.
It all looks wonderful!!! The wood is so pretty- it just looks rich! I am very glad you up-dated your blog today- it makes me smile! Have a great day! See you soon!
It is all looking so good.I am so excited for you. Robin
Darby, I tried to leave you a comment forever ago, but it wouldn't let me b/c I didn't have a blog. Anyways, I have loved catching up on your life. Your girls are absolutely adorable. I love all your fun stories about them. Also, great job on the house!! You guys have made it look like a totally different house. Michael and I are kind of going through the same process. It has sort of slowed down a bit, but after seeing what yall have done, has really motivated me all over again!!!
Hey! Just stopping over to say HI! Your gals are TOO cute, and your house....stunning! I love me some wood floors too!!!!
you are going to have a GORGEOUS home! i'm sure you're so excited.... and you seem to deserve it after "the rental". :)
I definitely agree with you re: the flooring!
Not the terrazzo! Seriously, I would have practically killed, if it weren't a mortal sin, to have your terrazzo floors. They are so expensive. I will never be able to afford terrazzo; will have to settle for wood. They are so sublime, especially with a stone fireplace. Paradise regained and lost! But I do love your success with remaking your existing kitchen cabinets and the finished rooms look lovely.
Great article this is very informative .......keep posting Thanks Regards
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