Back to Reality!!

We are back from our wonderful and relaxing trip to North Carolina. We had had an awesome time and I haven't even uploaded my pictures yet... that's why I have this one of Justin and some "'straw". Despite some cold and overcast weather we had a delightful trip. My parents and Erika and Chance joined us and we enjoyed the mountains, the Stickler's wonderful house, the shopping, the food, and most of all we enjoyed each other! Little Raiger had a rough day and a half with a fever and some crying fits at night. We got back last night and couldn't get our house below 85 degrees so we slept at Justin's parents house! We're still dealing with a HOT house, but thankfully it's raining today and it's tolerable in here. Here's a link to Erika's pictures from the weekend. She pretty much captured it all...
Morgan started "Mother's Morning Out" today. We call it "school" and she was so excited. I packed her a lunch and tried hard not to be too sentimental about her going...after all, isn't this what I've been asking for? I kept reminding myself that I needed this time! But it was a little touching to see her get all dressed up and get in the car with daddy with a lunch packed. She'll be back in less than an hour and I can't wait to hear her report of her day! Paige has been sleeping away so I've been able to do laundry and unpack everyone!
Morgie!! MommaSissy is so proud of you for sharing with the big kids at school. You are loved!! We can't wait to see you again!! Loved our weekend in the mountains, thanks for inviting us!
M.Sissy & U.Chance
I wish that I could have made a running commentary through all of those pictures! I am so glad that you got take a trip with BOTH sets of parents and Erika and Chance (haven't met him yet and feel a little stalker-like referring to him like we know each other when really I just know him through the blog). What special memories those will be :) You and Erika are such beautiful twins!! Your little darlings in those red and white outfits were almost too much...they were SO cute. The Sticklers mountain house is gorgeous! I really could have ended each statement with an "!" but I tried to limit myself. Miss yall!!
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