
We're all ready to come see you! Morgan has packed a bag of all her essentials... books & blankets. I'm not sure why kids can't look normal for pictures. The first picture I told Paige to open her eyes (@ least she can obey a command). The second picture I told Morgan to open her eyes (she too can obey a command)!
Caroline, you can click here to get to E's blog. But the address is...
We're heading out this afternoon for a fun filled 50th birthday party for my brother-in-law (that's right 50th... not a typo) at the beach. It's a surprise but I'm about 100% sure he doesn't read my blog so I think I'm safe. The whole Stickler family will be there and it should be a great time. Chance and Erika have graciously offered to keep the girls tonight. Morgan is thrilled and Erika will be wiped out by tomorrow morning!
The family was doing well this morning, considering their circumstances. The boys are being discharged today. So please please please pray for them... going home will be very difficult without their mother.
Hopped over from Jennisa's ~ have a great weekend - the girls outfits are toooo cute! And I will have the sweet boys on my mind this weekend!
Our girls would soo be friends - they would fit right in our playgroup - we even like the tigers - ours are just CLEMSON TIGERS! I love new blogs to stalk too!
Thanks for the comment! I enjoy reading your blog. Your girls are precious! I am enjoying watching your house progress... :)
Will keep praying for that family. Thanks for the updates. Hope M&P have fun at the beach!
I have been missing you. I haven't been able to read in the last few days. I love your comments on my blog. You are so sweet. Keep blogging. My daughter Lucy has finally put words in her blog...The girls look so cute. Robin
sister, i can't put into words how precious M&P are to me. Raiger has her own little ways (without talking or walking) to melt your heart with every glance. I think her very expressive facial expressions speak volumes of what she'd like to say but can't. :) she was such a good girl friday night. loved the pizza and her milk that she drank thru a straw like a big girl. morgan telling me (after we thought she had finally fallen asleep) that "Paige is a WOMAN!" is the funniest thing I've heard in forever! i'm glad my friend Teale is keeping tabs on the renovation, she is a precious friend from my interior design classes at Auburn- if you need any very professional advice- call her!! she was top of the class!
off to bed!
love you,
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