Thank you all for your birthday wishes! Justin & I share a computer and when he takes it with him {which he did all day yesterday}... I have withdrawals! But what a treat last night to log on and find so many good wishes {between the bloggers, the emailers, and the facebookers}! A big thank you to you all!
My day was full and blessed and by the end of the day my stomach was full {really full} and blessed. There were lots of early morning "birthday" phone calls to start the day off right! And I had the pleasure of spending time with
Tami & Judson yesterday and they even brought me a DQ Ice Cream Cake {& a birthday present}... mmm! For those of you who weren't around last summer...
I'm a fan of DQ, especially their cakes... with that chocolate crunchy stuff and the fudge... mmm! I had 2 very sweet "helpers" all day yesterday. They are sisters and the daughters of a dear friend. They are 10 & 12 and love my girls and what a treat to have them around to keep the girls entertained {& out of trouble}. They even stuck around after the girls went down for their naps and helped me clean the floors and pick up the playroom!!
Last night my in law's kept the girls so Justin and I could enjoy a quiet dinner all alone! My pick... CONESTOGA steak house! The ambiance is less than desirable, the wait is long, it's crowded, but let me tell you.... there's none else like it! I had a 5 oz fillet {which is really too small}, a salad with ranch, and a baked potato with butter & sour cream and I left one happy camper! And
Abby, I even saw your dad there picking up dinner for y'all! I hope you enjoyed yours as much as I enjoyed mine!

Post dinner, we headed to my in law's to join them for a little birthday cake & more celebrating. I walked down to the basement to find the girls surrounded by birthday presents and they simply couldn't resist helping me open them! I simply couldn't resist letting them! :)

And they helped me blow out my candles {& you can see they helped decorate the cake too}.

The evening was topped off with the last birthday present... an original by my mother in law's dear friend, Kathy Perreault! It's a beautiful watercolor {and I see some pen & ink on there too} of our precious dog, Eufaby. She did it from a picture taken at my graduation from Auburn {umm... 7 years ago} so you know I was surprised to see it! Kathy is a truly gifted artist and I'm so excited to find just the perfect spot for it!
Darby, that is AMAZING! Eufab' looks amazing!!!!! That chair that she is sitting in (in her portrait) is on my front porch, sandblasted and primed and that's as far as I got.
Sounds like you had a fabulous birthday! What special dear friends you have... and M&P did a great job decorating the cake... so sweet!!! What was wrapped up in the boxes??
Where are you going to hang 'fab dog?
darbyyyyyyyyy are you kidding me? the watercolor is amazing and your inlaws seem amazing too! how special you must have felt.. hope mommasissy felt the same way!
Okay, that was from ME (Ashley). I always forget if I am logged in under Adam's name!
Glad you had such a wonderful birthday! This time next year you'll have three helpers when you open your birthday fun to think about!!
WOW ! KAthy is an amazing artist and person..That was a special gift..Happy Birthday, again.
Sounds like a perfect day! great gift. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
What fun!!! I love a festive day! So glad you had a good b-day!!! A
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