Plumb Tuckered

These pictures aren't the best... but trying to stage a picture with these two little weasels proved quite difficult. In the second picture Paige was eating a blueberry that wasn't quite ripe yet.
I am oh so grateful to be "blogging" from my bed! It's Sunday night and I'm "plumb tuckered". We've had the most delightful weekend... full of fun, sun & fellowship. I'm feeling completely satisfied and exhausted all at the same time.
We had the pleasure of having our Sunday school class over today after church for our monthly "fellowship". There were just a few 41 folks {about 1/2 of which were youngin's} who showed up for the occasion! I absolutely love having people in our home {or in this case... outside our home} and prayed this morning that the Lord would protect all the kids and keep them safe {and afloat} while swimming & playing. While He answered all my prayers, I believe something more along these lines would have been more appropriate...
"Heavenly Father, please protect and keep all the grown men who act like children safe while they run aimlessly, jump neurotically, and flip erratically into the pool"
And although I didn't audibly pray this prayer... thankfully, He protected all these guys... {the object of the game was to get the ball in the bucket that was floating in the yellow ring}

Looks like it was so much fun!! We just got in from the beach this afternoon-hate that we missed it!
fun! fun! fun!
wish m'sissy could have joined in the fun!
next weekend for sure!
love you!!
What makes grown men turn into 10 year olds when they get together at a pool ? Looks like you ALL had a great time.
I LOVE all the pictures! SO action packed! :) The guys are so crazy!! Russell would do the same! Something about guys in a group. :)
I'm so glad you are satisfied in the exhaustion from the weekend! I pray God awakes you with supernatural renewal of energy and strength, giving you open eyes to HIS opportunities to REST today, through this week and month.
Glad that yesterday was so fun and safe!
Love yall!
LOVE their dresses!!! Once again, I HAVE to learn how to sew. What a fabulous pool!!! Fun!!!
Too much fun!!! What a wonderful idea to have everyone over to swim! How is the little guy? Still no name?
1) I'm SICK we didn't end up getting to hang out on Sat. Dad gum family!
2) I want to know how to sew so bad I could spit after seeing all those precious outfits.
3) I am thankful Jeremiah was not at your pool party becuase we would definitely have been making a trip to the ER
Looks like an awesome time D! Although I would take the clean house over the pool party! How sad is that? I just hate cleaning and all the laundry...wait til I have kids, right? I can only imagine. George must change his clothes 3 times a day! Hope all is well! I miss and love you!
Love, cous
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