What you saw on
Day 8 will be Version A and this will be Version B. Apparently my first post on the apron pattern was clear as mud. I am going to write a pattern for these 2 aprons. The one featured today has an inverted center pleat. The pattern for both Version A and Version B will also include children's sizes! That's where I was going with the BOGOF. I think I lost y'all there... probably because it's not really a BOGOF!
Remember I don't sleep for many consecutive hours. I will not be selling the aprons, just the patterns. Although, if the price is right... anything is for sale {that's what DaddyBoy taught me!}. My
hip-dweller had to be in this one... as no one was around to assist me; just John Martin, me and the self-timer. Will you please take note of my clean counters? Thanks.

Fabric sources: Pop Garden by Heather Bailey for FreeSpirit & That's It Dot {in Cherry} by Michael Miller.
Which I found both at a relatively local shop... it's a fabulous shop located in an old hardware store... if you're local and want details email me. I'd love to send her your business. Her selection is unbelievable!
And a special thanks to Tami for her assistance with this one!
That is an adorable apron. Maybe I need one to motivate me to cook?
well i am local enough, meaning i still come home from time to time. you just tell me where it is and i'll sho give her some business. my comments were gonna be that the fabric is to die for. and your shoes are wicked cute too!! and we all love the chubbadub feet donated by JM!!
Too cute! And where is the fabric store? Is it just a fabric store?
Well, I could chew his toes off! You constantly amaze me!
hi john martin,
if mommasissy had been there she is not sure whether she would have offered to take the picture or snorgle your chubby legs off.
cute apron.
my birthday is june 13th.
I love this one too!! I'll have to buy this pattern too.....you are just too creative! I wouldn't dare take a picture in my kitchen...I did notice your counters were spotless! :)
I am a blog stalker through your sister:) Your children are ADORABLE, your aprons are cute and your shoes are even cuter!
ooh i like this one as well. Does it come with the matching shoes?
Super, super cute- and John Martin's toes are a perfect compliment to the fabulous apron!
Adorable! you are quite a crafty woman! The more I read, the more I am amazed by all you do!
The VERY first thing I noticed were your VERY CLEAN gorgeous counter tops!!!!! It shows how bad I am that I am envying clean counters!!
You are adorable and amazing!
Very cute:) I will buy a pattern but can not put on a button so will have to have my sister make one for me. Have you seen her stuff? "LaRoque" Made your marshmellow sticks today, so fun and really easy!
I would like to have you list the actual aprons too if you can. One never knows what price you feel is fair and then we can know what you feel is fair and what will make us BOTH happy! Also, a question about your kitchen remodel. Did you paint the cabinets or get all new ones? Another question I have been pondering. Why don't you do a little remodeling of your bathroom at a time? Can't you change out a faucet or rip off wallpaper one item at a time? I know it is easier to do it all at once, but boy, those bathrooms deserve a prize. They could easily win "America's most horrendous" anyday. The rest of your home is absolutely lovely, though. As well as your family. They are beautiful. :)
Loving this one!!!
Ok, those are the cutest things I have ever seen, and as I don't sew, patterns will do me NO GOOD - I need you to sell the REAL THING! And boy did I note the clean counters - I have started just completely cleaning off my kitchen counters everyday - no clutter for this gal - it's a NEW YEAR and a clean start - well, maybe a few picture frames, but NOTHING else! LOVE me some baby toes!
I'm loving the apron designs and would love to know where in Dothan the fabric store is. As a former Dothan resident I have been thinking it is time for a visit and I would love to swing by and check it out.
The chubby angel makes the picture that much more perfect. LOVE THIS APRON!!! LOVE!!!
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