A Canon Rebel XSI to be exact. Just like Sister's. You see we have the tendency to do that, you know, copy each other. The decision was so easy for me because she had already made it {thankfully, with the professional assitance of Marla}. I knew just what I wanted for the body and just what I wanted for the lens. And since the yard sale was such a success I decided on another lens too, a 50mm. It's a fixed lens {that's what I call it} it doesn't zoom. I bought the wide angle lens Shelli, a very kind friend in Atlanta who just so happens to be a wonderful photographer too and just so happened to have it collecting dust on her shelf!
Marla had a last minute change of heart and almost sold me on the Nikon D90 but I'm glad she didn't because Erika and I can exchange lenses if we so desire and the Nikon D90 was a little more $$$ but did have that oh-so-tempting video mode!
I don't have Photoshop and I have no idea how to edit pictures the proper way. I've been using Microsoft Office Picture Manager and needless to say it's pretty BASIC. You'll see in some of these I selected "Auto Correct" and the results are less than par, but with time I hope to figure out the editing software that came with my camera but it's all foreign to me right now.
I have been having a lot of fun and this little camera has been glued to my eye. I know the little wrinkles on my forehead are going to get worse because I squint to close that left eye all day long! Oh, the price you pay for pictures! I'll just have to go get some Oil of Olay Regenerist night cream and lather it on all day! :)
First, let me show you my eggs. I started them about a week and half ago and they sure are fun. Not sure what I'm going to do with them but I love that they represent new life during this time of year. I also love that Morgan planted the same grass seeds in a cup at preschool and when I inquired to her teacher about where she got the seeds she gave me about a 5lb bag of leftovers! I have 6 or 8 more of these little guys and Morgan colored faces on them with permenant markers. They're still cute, in a "preschool" kind of way.

Next let me show you what it's like to be a young man in a house full of stingy women. Good thing Grandma {better known as "Mom"} is here to rescue him when he needs it. Speaking of Grandma... she was a kind model for me to test out the different camera settings today.

Isn't she cute? And she doesn't normally wear her glasses that low... I think she was pretending to be more "grandmotherly" than she is. She seriously doesn't look like a grandmother, does she? Anyway, he's crazy about her. Look what she does to him. He can be completely fine...

And she walks in and he completely melts....

Moving right along to the women in his life that don't have the same affect on him...
Ruler #1: the Raiger {who "speaks softly mumbly and carries a big popsicle stick"}

Ruler #2: Morgan {thumb-sucker extraordinaire-- who has been doing AWESOME at stopping, you can even see her bandaids in pictures below!}

Neither of these "rulers" were thrilled about sharing their yogurt popsicles with "spit-up breath" brother. He was ticked. And she was real concerned.

He reminds me a little bit of a puppy, ok, a lot of a puppy. Give him a tail and he might bark!

Finally {with a little coercing from the camera woman} they did. But it was a tad too cold on tender gums that are about to break forth with small painful teeth...

So they snatched their popsicles back and waited...

And he cried to the woman behind the camera, "Please help me!"

But I couldn't. You see, I was really enjoying my new camera and couldn't put it down over a popsicle. No one was bleeding. So I kept shooting.
And they worked it out on their own... I love it when that happens.

Then I played with the camera some more.

And some more.

And Paiger thought it was hilarious.

Then everyone came inside for much needed baths, given by the highly renowned GRANDMA.

And if this is what this camera is going to do to me {keep me up 2 nights in a row past 11pm} I may have to return it.
Tomorrow is the day that Sister will find out what she is having! Do you know how excited I am about this baby? Obviously, I love babies. And this child better watch out... his/her MommaSissy is going to love it like crazy! I already do. What an amazing blessing and gift it is. Morgan has a Willowtree statue on her nightstand of a pregnant woman {that someone gave me when I was pregnant with Morgan} and she always says "it's to help her to remember to pray for MommaSis' and the baby in her tummy". Our whole crew is so excited about this little one, thank you, Lord for the miracle of life, may it be a healthy, growing child, and please let it's legs be open tomorrow at the ultrasound! :)
Good night, friends!