Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I've been informed...
Posted by
7:18 AM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Did Y'all Know..

Posted by
8:00 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pardon Me While I Dote!

That's really all I can say... IT ROCKS!
Happy little children.
Doing happy little things!
And being GRATEFUL along the way!
Today was my "first" PRESCHOOL experience and I was the possibly the PROUDEST mother in the ROOM!

Seriously, how cute are they!?

I had to have total SELF CONTROL to not run up there and eat them ALL UP!
They were so PROUD of themselves; we were even PROUDER!

-----------CHANGING GEARS-----------
Do you press your coffee?
We used to not.
Now we do.
It tastes so much better pressed and it FROTHS.
You can get a French Press @ Tuesday Morning for less than $5.We've had a few fires this week and I've consumed close to 1 bag of MARSHIES!
Oh my!
They're dangerously good!Does your house smell good?
If the answer isn't an immediate "YES", try this:
1 apple {on the brink of death is fine}
2-3 C water
6-8 cinnamon sticks {you can get these at what I call "the DG" for $1}
1 handful of cloves
1 dash of nutmeg
the juice of an orange {or OJ from the fridge is fine too}
a splash of vanilla
Posted by
4:30 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Crayolas get cozy!

Posted by
1:15 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sometimes I leave y'all hanging on previous posts, one of which is the floors... we had an industrial dehumidifier in here for 5 or 6 days and it took care of most of our problems. The only person who notices what little "water damage" we have is me. So, we're thankfully leaving well enough alone and the insurance people CANCELLED the claim! Praise the Lord! The 2nd thing I've left y'all hangin' on is my Aunt Glenny. She is home and thankfully doing better than expected. Her speech is showing signs of improvement and she is comfortable. I look forward to seeing her over Thanksgiving! Thank you for your prayers for her!
Speaking of family and Thanksgiving, we are planning to spend the Thanksgiving holiday at the farm with Mom and DaddyBoy and the rest of my extended family. I have a mission while I'm there {I'm telling you so to hold myself accountable}: record some family history. I've been reading Rick Bragg's newest book The Prince of Frogtown and Justin and I listened to Ava's Man {which I've previously read, along with All Over but the Shoutin'} on the way home from NC last month. Bragg has shown me just how little I know about my family. And because tomorrow is not guaranteed I intend to spend some time with my living grandparents and get some history! Bragg is phenomenal story teller. If you've never read any of his books I suggest you start with All Over but the Shoutin'. He grew up in Jacksonville, AL, which is not far from a place we hold near & dear, Anniston. We lived there for one very precious year; Morgan was born there. Anniston is a BEAUTIFUL small town in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains with kind people and a lot of charm, and holds sweet memories for us.
In other news, I cleaned up the blog this weekend... can you tell? Narrower margins and a new search bar! I was going to attempt to add "labels" to all my previous posts, but I've been at this too long and the time it would take to categorize all previous posts made my head spin. So, if you've read something on here before and want to find it again just do a search and hopefully it will pop up!I hope each of you had a delightful weekend too!
Posted by
10:05 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
I have TWO helpers!
Posted by
3:21 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I Tied the Knot!

Posted by
12:29 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hello Quilters
Posted by
9:14 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Carnival Came to Town

Because we travelled like this: {yes, {click to enlarge} Paiger is sitting in the stroller with JM. And no, he wasn't too thrilled about sharing his ride! Maybe I should look into those 3 seat strollers?}

I'm learning, I tell you, I'm learning. Learning to live and learning to delight in all little things that bring joy to little children!! While asking myself over and over, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Don't pat me on the back, I {pridefully} explained to most people at church she chose her own outfit. As if that wasn't obvious.
Posted by
2:31 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
November in Alabama
This could be one for the record books.
I have fond memories of making SNOWMEN in November when I was a little girl.
My little girls will have fond memories of SWIMMING in November {on the 7th to be exact}.
The leaves were changing & falling while they prepped their "boat" for the water. They said it wasn't cold.
They were lying.
I was busy praying they didn't need to be rescued because I WAS NOT going in after them.Pre-swim baby brother did need to be rescued from his
horrible and terrible holding cell crib.
The girls accompanied him in his cell while I attempted to clean his room. He will grow into a man who will probably wear pink.
We've started to "secure his manhood" early with pink pacis, pink blankets, and he's even been spotted sporting BOWS {pink of course}! And it won't be long before he's ripping Snow White from the hands of Raiger!
Then I'm sure his daddy will rush off for a train set & bulldozer! Happy November!
Posted by
9:09 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today, Today, Today

I tried, I tried, I tried... and I was denied! Let me start by saying that there was a great deal of red tape that kept us from pulling off our "Election Day" bake sale at a local polling location. I again, am so grateful for those of you who volunteered to bake and sit. I was quite discouraged with the last minute "no" that I received on Saturday! In lieu of the bake sale, would you consider a donation on the Cookies for Kids Cancer website?

Ok, my tea is long gone, my dishes are piled up and it's time to get back to reality! Happy Birthday, Morgan! Happy Election Day! Here's to a new chapter in the history books of America!
Posted by
12:27 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Don't Stress...

I gave up my orthodontic retainers {after 10 years of wearing them} after Morgan was born. I guess Erika is waiting until she has her first child. She called this morning to tell me she accidentally left it here. I panicked. Leaving your retainer in my house {within reach of children} is like leaving prime rib on the counter with a dog in the house. So, I shuffled off to the bathroom hoping it was safe and sound on the counter. Nope. The "case" was there but no retainer. I told Erika the search would begin but that I could make no promise that it didn't get flushed down the toilet {like baby Jesus did from our Nativity set}.
Well, Erika... I found it. Safe in sound in the girls doll house. Appropriately, it is in the bathroom. When I took it away Morgan said, "why does MommaSissy have that crown?"
Erika, it's time to give up the crown. But never fear, if you're not ready to give it up... I can mail it to you!
Posted by
10:06 AM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Guess Who Stinkin' Surprised Me?

This squirrel! {and she was a good citizen and voted before she came!}

the girls and I are having fun too!
Shireen, this is the dress from Walmart that took me 20 mins to decide on... it was all of $15!

my girls & her girls
Here's what we've done:
- brewin' up some more apple butter {we're licking the air right about now}
- drooling over the new Nov/Dec issue of Cottage Living... y'all check out Anne Turner Carroll's spread {p. 32-38}... we're smitten with her kitchen!
- went to Big Lots for to reload on cinnamon... 2 Big Lots patrons asked me what I needed so much cinnamon for {I was only buying 3... I really only needed one but when they're $.99 why not get a couple more}; you better believe I told 'em for some Apple Butter... both explained to me that they loved Apple Butter!
- we hit up the Highlands Antique Mall and both were self disciplined and didn't buy a single thing... although we saw some college girls dropping some of "daddy's money" and we thought "girls... that is short lived" but didn't want to ruin the moment and tell them.
- we found a house for Mom & DaddyBoy... now if we could just get them to buy it and move SOUTH!
- now we're home hangin' with the crumbcrunchers and trying to decide on dinner! I'm thinking Steak Out! :) We'll see!

"what do you think, Sister?"

Morgan loves her MommaSissy!
Posted by
5:10 PM