Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Catching Up {+} Q & A


I have a little bit of catching up to do. Life goes on outside this little blog and with Holy Week last week I failed to give appropriate press to some precious things in my life.

First being my friend L.A. who is expecting daughter numero dos in a few weeks! When Mom was still here we {along with Hornet} ventured over to Tallahassee for the day to celebrate L.A. and the precious life in her womb. I'd tell you this little girl's name if I only knew myself, she's such a stinker and keeps it a secret... how dare her! :)

I ate a lot of these... and could have eaten a lot more. They're the best petit fors {is that how you spell it?} I've ever had... and the same ones I got for Morgan's birthday last year! Let's just pretend like you can taste them. They're delightful.


Someone else brought this.


It made me laugh and want to put myself in time out.

Here are the hostesses & the preggo...


We had a wonderful time, LA got wonderful gifts, and it made me miss all my Tallahassee friends!!

Second I just want to let you all know that I am madly in love with this man. He's a wonderful husband and father. He prays for me and praises me and I'm so grateful that God chose us for one another. {Keeping honest: he can also really tick me off sometimes too... but I can assure you that feeling is mutual!}


Last week he got a new {to him} truck. It's a big truck, with a big engine, a 5th wheel {whatever that means}, and enough room for all of us...


...you see he owns his own businesses which means he spends a good deal of time on his phone. And several of you asked what happened to the Raiger's head & lip...


When they arrived for the big egg hunt on Saturday, her big sister kindly unbuckled her carseat, Daddy opened the door to the new truck, and then took a phone call, which resulted in Paige leaning out of her carseat and subsequently falling out of the truck and hitting her face on the asphalt. Justin said it was the most horrified he's ever been. She still has some color on her forehead and a little scratch but she's doing much better! What's an egg hunt without a goose egg!

You all also assumed that I made the kids Easter outfits... thanks, but you assumed wrong-o!


I bought them at Kids Market {a local semi-annual consignment sale} and they were only $10 each. You can't beat that. But let me tell you, in the amount of time it took me to remove 3 monograms with a seam ripper and put new ones in I could have made 3 brand new outfits! Oh well! But the dress pattern is Carol by Children's Corner if you are so inclined to make your own.

Third I have an idea. I am so BEHIND on my emails... about 6 weeks behind and I feel as though I'll never catch up so I'm thinking of answering questions in form of a blog post because a lot of people ask the same questions. So, while I wait to show you my bathrooms {because I'm waiting for a piece to return from the upholostery man} I'm going to answer any questions you may have. So... ask away in the comments section... anything from where did you get that... to how did you do that.... to what color is that... to do you have any more of those bulletin boards {yes, I've been collecting them for y'all}... to what did you have for breakfast. I'll answer them all {if I can!}. Have fun and be creative it's good for your brain and hopefully mine too!


it is everlasting said...

I have so loved reading your blog and want to thank you for sharing your life with us all. I have two very different questions for you...

1. What is the font used in your header?

2. Disclaimer-- This may be none of my darn business and if that is the case please don't hesitate to ignore this question! My husband and I are in our second year of marriage, paying off debt, fixing up a house, and planning for the future. Ya'll have a beautiful home and 3 wonderful children. My question is relating to finances. I noticed when you bought your camera that you waited (I believe, if I remember correctly) to pay cash and didn't put it on a credit card. What strategy of debt management (or, I suppose, money is a better word) do you all use? What is your best advice to those of us starting on that journey?

Katie said...

LOVE your blog! I really admire you, Darby. You seem like a go-getter, good mom, boundless energy, strong faith, etc. SO, here’s my question:

How do you stay so thin? Level with us, please! Is it because you’re a young mom and the weight just drops off?? How do you maintain it?

I’m an older mom, with kids the same ages as yours. I work my buns off to keep my figure, though…

THANK YOU for writing this blog – I really enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

How did you and your husband meet?

Brittny said...

1. Have you sold the wicker chairs yet?

2. If not, how much are you willing to sell them for? (Yes, I'm interested in all 4)

3. All they "real" wicker or the durable outdoor kind?

Candice said...

Ok I have one, I want to cut my daughters hair short like your girls, but I wanted to know if you could still put it in a pony tail or pig tails at that length. I also wanted to know how you cut it yourself without them moving all over the place, my kids will sit still for lollipops maybe I should try that. Thanks I look forward to hearing all the questions. Thank you for sharing your life with us, I love reading all of it. Oh yeah I made the cinnimini's for Easter brunch and my family loved them, my Uncle even put his chair right in front of them and ate them all right there at the buffet table. They were a hit and so easy thanks.

McGee said...

Ditto the "thin" question!

This is more of just a general comment - I finally tried your hairbow tutorial, and I LOVE the bows! Meredith now has a fabulous stash of hairbows for just about every outfit! Thank you for sharing that with us!

How do you manage your time? Seriously, I have trouble keeping up with one child, working part time from home, cleaning, cooking, remodeling, etc. You seem to be much more organized than I am. Please share your secrets! I desperately need to get more organized both in my home and with my time before baby #2 comes!

Jessica said...

I can imagine Justin WAS horrified! I can just picture that happening and it makes ME wince - I remember last summer when Adri was about 18 months old and went to hang from the pool handle bar to the steps and fell flat on her face on the concrete...I thought I would die! Poor Paige! Thankfully children recover fairly quickly.

Also, I made the stir-fry meal last night and it was SO good.... I'll be making it quite often (loved how easy and quick it was to make!). Wish I could have met you while you were in Tallahassee :) Can't wait to see your bathrooms....

Shannon said...

Love your blog and it seems like you have a wonderful family.

My question is also related to finances (similiar to comment above)...we are interested in buying an older home and remodeling/gutting it. But, how do you know what it is going to cost (before you buy the home...so you know how much home you can afford) and do you pay cash or can it be part of the mortgage??


jessica said...

how did you make or where did you get the tags for sizes you used in the skirts from the post rainy day?

Rebecca said...

I'm new to you blog but it has turned into one of my favs...

my question is...where are your favorite places to find really good deals...how about a couple of tips on where you shop for furniture...homegoods and clothes for the family?...can't wait for the answer!! Hugs from Phoenix.

Becky said...

questions i could have asked if we had gotten to see each other instead of playing phone tag (but we are getting there!!)

1.will there be anymore sticklers joining the brood...in the future i mean?

2. what time do you get up every morning?

3. do you like your coffee black or do you prefer a little coffee with your sugar and cream (like me?)

4. do you consider yourself a scheduler/routine person or do you just go with the flow from day to day and are laid back?

ps--you aren't allowed to say "breastfeeding" for the answer to your way to stay in shape.

Shelley said...

I am new to your blog - finding you through Attitude of Gratitude with Frugal Coupon Mom, so happy to find your site! I wish I were as creative as you, but I will say my kids benefit from the fun stuff you do with your kids.

Now my thighs don't care for you much... thanks to the stinkin' Buttermilk Pie and Whoopie Pies!

Anyway, I have TWO questions, simple ones probably:

1) What is the name of your china? The one with the hunter, guns and animals? Where is it sold, still sold, year made, anything to help me locate a set!

2) Do you have any idea what that Pottery Barn message board with the letter tiles is called? I'd like to search ebay for it, but I can't even figure out what to call it. Do you remember if PB's box had a name for it?


Molly said...

I read back into your blog and said you have a farm...is that just for leisurely fun? Also, how was it moving around before you planted in Dothan? I'm asking because we're currently considering a move to Washington state from Texas and we have a 2 year old daughter. I'm just curious how the move is on little ones, what it's like realistically being in a new place at home all day without friends to call up and come over for playdates (until you meet new ones), and all of the other transitions. Was it emotionally hard? I'm trying not to fool myself and think about this realistically.

Ivy said...

Becky beat me to it! I was going to say....since you and Justin make such beautiful babies...are there going to be anymore it the future?? I hope so!!!

Mrs. Brock said...

Since I refuse to ask your sister design questions--any idea on where to get a comfy and very, very reasonably priced chair and ottoman? Furniture is soo overpriced (at least to my poor self)!

As I said on a comment I made on E's blog recently, y'all really feel like my friends that live just around the corner--and we've never met!

Keri Ronk said...

I would love to know what you fix for lunch all of the time? I am always at a loss for good lunch time ideas. Thanks!

erika said...

1. Do you plan to make smocked/monogrammed outfits for your sister's daughter (due in September)?

2. Are you planning to give her your daughters hand-me-downs?

3. Do you plan to be there when your sister has her baby?

4. Do you like being a twin?

Like my questions? :)

megan @ a life's design said...

So funny you posted this. I emailed you a question this morning, but have since figured it out and was going to email you back to let you know. So that is one question/answer you can mark off your list and one email you can delete. :)

Shelley said...

I emailed you yesterday, but you've answered all but one question. Do you make your own clothing size tags? (i noticed them on your skirt post recently). Thanks!

KaitlynRae said...

I absolutely love reading your blog. You inspire me in so many ways!

I know you saved up for your camera. I'm in the process of saving up for one myself. My questions are:

Did you have any experience with an SLR before you got this one?

Did you take any classes? Read any books to help you learn how to use it? Or did you just read the manual? Haha...

Where do you buy your fabrics? Online? Local store? Have you re-upholstered furniture on your own before? Or did I read that you take your furniture somewhere to have it done?

Thank you for sharing your life. Your children are precious and your blog is a blessing to me.

Dave and Mandi said...

I thought you'd made the Easter outfits as well. They sure were cute hanging in the window on Easter morning. My husband and I are building a house, and I would like to know what color the walls in your kitchen are?

Dianne said...

You seem to know how to do everything and you do it all so well! What was your major in college?
Your husband has his own business...what does he do?
You mentioned an upholsterer for your bathroom...what is he doing?
Love you guys!

Ashley said...

Random question....
1. Where did you get your car seat covers?
2. Do you have special playfood for your daughters "floating tea party"?
I love, love, love your blog. I look forward to flying through your window every afternoon!
I hope God continiues to bless you in all that you do and sharing it with us too!!
:) From Memphis

Kmom said...

Loved the stir fry- it was awesome. Where did you find the clipart for your header?

Unknown said...

Hi Darby!!! Just dying in agony to see your bathroom make-overs. I know they will be darling! Cant wait to see the pics..Im sure your before & after pictures will be magazine quality for the perfect make-over!!!

Unknown said...

Im signed in as my husband some how..lol.. Im actually Erica from Michigan.. not Jason! =)

Kaysha Patel said...

This is actually a question for Justin - What does he think about you blogging? Is he weirded out that all these strangers love reading about you and your family?

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the schedule ?: do you just wake up and see where the day takes you, or do you plan ahead the night before? (specifically relating to kids activities)
Also, ditto on the finance questions.

Anonymous said...

How do you discipline your children? I know you must have something more creative than time outs and spankings! What do you do when they are having a meltdown in public?

Allie said...

I love reading your blog - your so inspiring! A peek into your days makes this Jersey girl wish she lived in the South instead (especially those November pool pictures...so jealous)!

This question is quite random and I have searched your archives a million times looking for the post as I'm almost 100% sure I saw the post on your blog. Anyhow, did you ever post about a "couple" friend of yours that is a distributor for some type of vitamin?? It was an herbal vitamin if I can recall correctly. I wanted to try it out. I know this sounds crazy...maybe it wasn't your blog after all.

Take care,
Allie from NJ

Amanda said...

I emailed yesterday to ask about your oversized Easter baskets?! Are they PBK? They look bigger than theirs -...? I have a MILLION quesyions but I'll just look forward to seeing your reply's from the others/mine 1 on baskets...as I said yesterday - I love this blog!!! I have made all your recipes, your tees, socks, bows, and I stampped oneseies for my 3rd baby - precious idea - they turned out sooo cute! Thanks -

Jessica {lovely jubbly london} said...

Hmm..lets see what can I ask? Okay...

1. Did you go straight from college to homemaking or did you have some interesting job like E?

2. Will we ever get a house tour? I love your taste!

3. What is your denomination and is your church service more modern or traditional? Do you have a favorite bible? Oh, also does your denomination allow you to drink? (I only ask that last one b/c here in the UK it seems like all denominations allow alcohol consumption- in fact, at our last church they served wine during coffee hour on special occasions! I didn't know if things have changed in the States since I was growing up.)

Shelly Powers said...

Do your kids go to some kind of MDO/school?
I guess that kind of goes with the schedule questions... how do you get it all done?
You house looks clean even in pictures you take that are not "show casing" your rooms. How is that possible with 3 kiddos?

I ditto the skinny question b/c you are always making the most yummiest recipes and I can tell they are not fat free LOL.

Love your blog... thanks for sharing! :)

Lindsey said...

okay, i am kinda cracking up at all the questions?! looks like you might need to write a book:). i'm game for hearing all your answers though.... i would like to hear the story of you and justin. might know a few tidbits from tommy a LONG time ago but refresh my memory. hope paige is healing!

Amy Leigh said...

You crack me up soliciting all these questions!! Can't wait to read the answers....

Becky said...

Love, love, LOVE your blog! You are a total inspiration to me, as I also have 3 little kids (all boys) and another on the way!
My older boys are 4 and 5 years old and they LOVED making the Easter Story Cookies! Thanks for the great idea and way to teach scripture to children in a way they can understand. Please keep the ideas coming!
My question is how many square feet is your house. It looks GIGANTIC in the pictures! Do the girls share a room, or are they together? Are you planning on homeschooling them (as it seems you can do anything and everything you put your mind to VERY WELL!)

Megan said...

I love all these questions!!! You are brave to take them all on! I just wanted to tell you I'm making the Salsa Verde soup for dinner tonight. You posted it when we were in Peru and I couldn't get all the ingredients (even though there are only 4!). I've been craving it ever since.

Thanks for all the time you spend blogging. You have quite a ministry. I enjoy reading about your family especially since mine is going to be as large as yours in a few weeks. Keep it up!

Hannah said...

I have never commented before but have been following for a long time now. I love your blog!!

1. What type of schedule do you keep during the day with the children?

2. Do you plan on sending the children to school or are you going to home school when they become old enough?

3. Can you start posting more recipes?
I L-O-V-E the blog and the stand you take on it as a Christian.

Amanda @ Our Oklahoma Nest said...

Well, since you already have a million questions I will just tell you that I LOVE your blog. It is my addiction. I cannot wait for bathroom pictures. And you are truly inspiring with all that you do! I love how much I learn from your posts! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Darby! I read in an earlier post that your breastfeed your children till at least 1 year of age. I was wondering if you also make their baby food? My husband and I plan on starting a family soon, and this is something I am considering. I'd love your opinion/insite/advice...your blog is such a blessing!

Becca in Mobile

Katie said...

What did you paint your kitchen cabinets with? We bought an older home with similar cabinets, and I am dying to give them a facelift!

Anonymous said...

Do you use self-tanner?
What kind of deodorant do you use?
How often do you pluck your eyebrows?

Meredith said...

Thank you for opening yourself up to all these questions!

1. Ditto on the car seat covers.
2. Ditto on the skirt tags.
3. What is the paint color in the nursery?

I'm a fairly new reader and I so enjoy checking in on your family. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Can you post more pics of JM's nursery (I want to see his crib and bedding)...a few more pics of the girl's rooms would be nice too :)

Anonymous said...

Have you ever owned a pair of Treetorns?

kim said...

I love reading about you and your family! You have such a sunny outlook and sense of humor about these crazy years!

1. Have you and Erika always gotten along?

2. Has your relationship with your parents always been close?

3. Any plans to visit the Washington DC area?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my sweet friend... when you wrote this post did you have any idea that you would open yourself up to, literally, "total transparency". You know I love how honest and straightforward you are. It is amazing that you can be so strong and vulnerable simultaneously. As, your friend- this is one of the many things I love about you more than you will ever know! As a therapist (and, admittedly, a protective friend)- I know how vulnerable "complete transparency" can be. It makes you so susceptible to physical and emotional harm. So this is not a question, but some food for thought for all your loyal fans and readers. While being a huge fan of genuineness, transparency, and utter sincerity, I also believe that there are some precious treasures that we are allowed to keep only for ourselves, within the sacred bond of marriage, or (even) solely among our family and dearest friends. Everyone owns that special right... even the most faithful desiring to glorify the Lord with their candid, straightforward, honest, forthright, and uncontrived openness (i.e. YOU). I love real people and I unconditionally love you. Therefore, I urge others to think before they ask their questions. Are they appropriate? Are they too personal? What purpose are they serving? And, please remember, you are dealing with a very "real" person (literally and figuratively). With all that in mind, I step down as the protective pit bull and encourage... ask away :)

Anonymous said...

1. Are you a stay at home mom, or do you work outside the house? What do you do for daycare if you do?

2. When did you become a Christian and what demonination are you a part of?

Anonymous said...

You seem like such a great mom-any encouraging ideas on discipline? Are you okay with spanking?

The Stringers said...

I will start off by saying that I am a Christian and I get true encouragement and inspiration from you and your family.

My little guy is about the same age as John Martin...and he's my ONLY one! I have a hard time finding time in my day for myself and for my quiet time or devotion. I know that I need this time with the Lord to get me through the day . I often find myself wondering how you manage all you do and keep your faith so strong.
- Do you do a daily devotion?
- Do you have a certain time of day you set aside for this?
- Can you recommend a book or devotion that you love?

Thanks! Can't wait for all of your answers!

Mandy said...

Hey...too funny...I want to know where you get all the energy to do all the special things you do? I just added #2 13 weeks ago and have an almost four year old little girl and I am WORN OUT! I sleep well, have good sleepin' kids, stay at home, exercise, eat well, etc...but that is my question!

shelli t said...

Love,love,love your blog!! such an inspiration--i have cooked more since reading and trying to do some crafts!(never have had the nack for it but trying!)please sing me up for the bulletin board--love it!
thank you! shelli in atlanta

Kellie said...

WHOA.... came back to read the comments - WOW!!! You, my darlin' are VERY popular - had you any idea people were so obsessed with you???? The deodorant question made me laugh out loud!!!! I do have one question...I"m planning Henderson's 1 year B'day celebration soon and would like to get some petit fors like you had for Morgan's party - I've had them from Publix before. Where did you get those?

Can't WAIT to see your answer post!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! When you worked at O'Charleys in high school, what was your favorite thing on the menu?

Ben and Kristen said...

I was wondering if you ever got JM sleep thru the night and to nap and if so, how? My 7 month old is still struggling in the sleep department! And I would also love to see nursery pics!

Megan said...

I see you have SO many questions and hate to add one to the mix, but I was wondering if you're still making clothes for your kids. I can barely find time to make clothes with my 2 kids, so I know it has to be even harder with 3. You haven't posted much about making clothes since JM was born and I figured he was keeping you pretty busy :) Any projects in the works?

The "Mommy's Time Out" wine is very good. My Mom gave me some for Christmas and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you were able to enjoy some, too :)


Kristin said...

Just found your blog a few weeks ago and I am so inspired :)

How much did you pay to have any of your chairs recovered?

Michelle said...

Whew...so many questions! I usually have so many questions inspired by your blog and today- NONE have come to mind. Probably the pressure of knowing that you are planning to answer so many! I can't wait to see your responses. LOVE your blog and you truly are an inspiration to me. I aspire to be creative each day and think I make a good attempt, but you are amazing! Your family is beautiful too!

Anonymous said...

How about another picture of that gorgeous rock on your left hand? You are one lucky woman to have such a great husband and gorgeous kids!

Wishing & hoping & praying said...

Could you share how the lord saved you!?I know you have tons of questions to answer.... But I love to hear people tell what the Lord has done for them!:) thank you! May god continue to bless you!

Melissa said...

I can normally think of lots of questions took, and now I'm coming up almost empty! A couple though...how did you wind up going to Auburn, and what was your major?

Elizabeth said...

I'm cracking up at all these questions too! Probably because I have wondered some of the same things myself.....you're popular! I love your blog too especially the way you are so honest and real. I'd like to know how you manage with three little ones as well. I have a 15 month old and she is a handful. How do you have time to post pictures and do all the blogging? I'm also curious to know more about your house. I love the way you transformed it. I'm looking at houses and when I see one that needs some TLC I remind myself of what you did with yours! Can't wait to see the bathrooms!

Elizabeth said...

I had to think a little bit before asking my questions about your house:

1. How long did it take you to do your current renovations?

2. Did you all do them yourself or did you hire outside help?

3. Is there anything you wish you would've done differntly?

4. What room do you spend the most time in?

5. Would you do all that remodeling again? In other words, was it worth it?

6. What is your favorite room in your house?

7. Did you remodel your other homes you had in the past or were you just saving up for this big change?

8. Will you stay at this house or do you think you'll move on?

9. Any advice for buying a fixer-upper?

10. How do you travel and go places with 3 kids? I'm such a schedule freak and nap Nazi....

wow, I just ask 10 questions.....

Tara Verdigets said...

I know there are several of your readers who own a camera like yours (me included). Will you do a post on what settings you like for different occasions (such as outdoors, indoors, close-ups, etc). My pictures never come out as good as yours. Also do you use any extra lenses? Have you posted on this already? I want you to go in depth!

Edith said...

Your photographs are so incredibly beautiful. Would you mind telling us what kind of camera you use?

Anonymous said...

Hi...what is the color of the walls in the girls' room?

and I love your kilim rug...did it have any odor when you got it home? Sometimes I am hesitant to order rugs online because I've read they can be "smelly". Expecting a new baby soon and don't want any unesssary odors around. Thanks so much!

Your family is beautiful:)

Anonymous said...

How does your husband really make enough money to pay for the fabulous lifestyle you detail in your blog? Is pine straw that lucrative?

Alyson said...

Cute idea! Some silly questions:

1. How do you keep your little ones busy all day long? (especially when your husband is gone for a full day or weekend). I have a 20 month old that is climbing the walls!

2. Do you plan on having any more children?

3. Any tips on organizing your home or containing kid clutter?

4. What method of discipline do you follow? Time outs, spanking, taking things away, etc...?

5. Any tips on becoming a better sewer? Did you take classes or find any patterns that helped with your skills?

Looking forward to learning more about you! Take care:)

Andrea said...

I think all my questions have been asked. Mine were along the lines of kid clutter and sewing. Looking forward to you answers...should take you a few days to answer them all. :)

Anonymous said...

Great blog!! I have been enjoying it this morning.

Ashley said...

How long have you been sewing and did you take lessons when you were first getting started? I am trying to learn BEFORE children so hopefully by the time I have them I can be as fast as you :)

nicole said...

I love your blog. You have a beautiful family. I love what you and your husband have done to your home. I have 4 children ages ranging from 3-9. We have a 12 year old home we are remodeling.
1. Do you have hardwood throught your house? Do you like hardwood in kids bedrooms or carpeting? Do you get many scratches with kids and a dog?
2. How did you pick out your hardwood? I have oak flooring in my kitchen and dining but I dislike oak. I am thinking of redoing the hardwood through out either half house or all. But I can't decided on type or color. Love the real dark colors but worried if it will be outdated in a couple of years.
3. Do you have a ranch or two story?

Best of luck to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog a few weeks ago and I have really enjoyed it. As a stay at home mom of two small children I can relate to so much of what you go through. As I strive day to day to be a godly example for my children I want to thank you for doing the same and for encouraging so many women. Along with so many others I look forward to reading all of your responses.
God Bless!
Kelly from Alabama

Jessica {lovely jubbly london} said...

It doesn't look like you opened comments for your most recent post, but just wanted to say the commenter you are concerned with must be a new reader. You do not boast or brag on your blog and have posted several times about second hand and Walmart finds. He knows the truth and I believe you are very transparent in the best way possible on your blog. Please don't feel like you have to answer every question or those that make you uncomfortable! I think sometimes it's easy to forget when you're reading blogs, that the person blogging is a real person and you are only seeing a snapshot of their lives. Many blessings. x

annek said...

I just read todays post...which makes this one even better. You know me...I am always ready for a good laugh...Erika's questions were hilarious. They're even funnier knowing that they were a joke and I can't imagine what you were thinking when you read them! (before finding out they were from her.) I'm still laughing.

Susan said...

Wow! Just read your post from today. Amazingly eloquent and clear. I could NOT have said it better! :-)

Lindsey said...

do not worry about that comment on how your hubby makes money, etc. i have been a faithful reader of your blog for a year or so now and i have never gotten that vibe from you. you are very humble and live frugally it seems. don't take anything too personally because you never know why things go through people's heads. keep up the good work on your blog! we all enjoy it! :) love from texas!

Anonymous said...

What a BEAUTIFUL Easter you had. And I've always wanted to mention, but I don't think ever have, how much I TRULY admire your skill in providing for your family and finding and making wonderful things from so little. I have such a hard time at thrift stores and making things and am often torn by the pull to buy "things" just to have more things and I fight it all the time. You are truly an inspiration to my fight in that. Lots of love and blessings, Katie :)

Caroline said...

Darby, You are the sweetest, most thoughtful, unselfish, non-boasting and down to earth person I have ever met on a blog! Don't let that previous commenter get you down girl! The love you have for Jesus shines through you every day! Your blog inspires me everyday. I only hope I can be as good a mother, wife and child of God as you are!

Dianne said...

I loved your response today!!! It made me rethink my own question and the way it was asked. I hope I have not offended you now or ever. I am constantly inspired by your faith and your love for your family.
God bless you!

Rachel said...

As I've said before, I LOVE your blog! It's such an inspiration in so many ways. I'm a newlywed and we can't wait to have kids. I just hope they're half as precious as yours. Thanks for always opening up honestly about your life!

How's Morgan progress on the thumb sucking? Has it been 30 days yet?

Where do you get all your ideas for the crafts you do with the girls?

AND...What's your favorite color?

Oh,and...Is there anywhere other than Dothan you'd ever want to live?

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your fabulous blog for a while now; i found it through a friend's blog. I just want you to know that I appreciate your post from today (that I couldn't leave a comment on). You have your priorities straight, that's for sure! Don't let anyone get you down.

Katie said...

I love reading your blog. I am looking for a great devotional that is geared towards moms. Do you have any suggestions?

Kathy said...

I don't know how to email you, or I would. And I couldn't seem to be able to leave a comment on today's post, so I hope you see this. Your entry from today is the very reason I take time to read your blog often. I am so sorry you received a comment like that and I am glad you said something. I just want you to know that you have readers that do get it. I enjoy the uplifting Christian message you bring. Thank you.

JMW said...

Hi, Darby -
I really enjoy reading your blog - I'm sorry a reader felt the need to ask about your income - not very tactful at all. Your response was given with grace, although don't ever feel that you have to explain yourself to others. I find your posts refreshing and your photography is amazing (I wish I could capture images like that). Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

Anonymous said...

2 Questions - What are Paige and Morgan's middle names? I saw Paige's monogram on her Easter dress and I think her middle name begins with E...is it Ericka?
Also, do you and Ericka have that twin connection - like, you know what each other are thinking? Were you ever compared to each other growing up? How do you feel about being a twin?

kapeck said...

Love the blog! Thank you so much for sharing. I would also like to know about your kitchen cabinets. Did you paint them? What was the process? What did you paint them? I have kitchen cabinets that I would like to give a facelift to but I'm a little hesitant to take the plunge!

Mary said...

How did you and your sister end up at Auburn - I can't figure your ties since you mentioned your parents in Chicago?

I love your blog - the other day I mentioned to a mutual friend we have that I felt like you were my friend too after keeping up with it : )

Unknown said...

I couldn't think of one question that probably has been asked. Possibly my brain is fried due to the fun of Spring Break. ;)

I'll be happy to just read your replies and enjoy as always. You're a happy girl of God and that's good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Great advice from your therapist friend! Makes me think of the "casting your pearls before swine" scripture. Having been a pastor's wife for many years, I recognized the MO of our enemy right away. I have no reason to believe the commenter meant any harm. I just know from experience, that little, out-of-the-blue comments that suck the air out of your gut are typical of the enemy of Christians. Sadly, it usually comes from fellow Christians. I think of Job in times like this. The one thing that held true for Job throughout his testing was God in him. You have nothing to fear from this because you have God in you. Be who God made you to be to bring Him glory. And know that things like this are the Enemy's way of trying to besmurch God's character. I so enjoy your blog, and your sister's blog. I've referred to your home improvements while trying to make decisions in redoing our kitchen due to Hurricane Ike damage! So see, you and your husband have encouraged and helped a fellow christian through your home improvements! Is there any better place to practice the gift of hospitality than our homes? I look forward to seeing your bathrooms! Take care!

Katie said...

Darbs -

1. Do you know that chickens smell bad? :)

2. When are you going to come visit me for some cheese and wine? Because you failed to show up last night.

3. Could you please post your bank account info so that I could see your spending habits...I "promise" I am no identity theif. Although if I could steal your mad skills I would :)

4. Are you willing to be a triplet because I up for another sister or two....think about it, kay?

XO - Katie

bryn alexandra said...

I have to say - anyone can buy beautiful things, but you and your amazing family are blessed with beauty, both outside and in, that cannot be bought. And that one rude and anonymous commenter is obviously jealous of that.

On a happier note, I adore your blog!!

I would ask how you stay so thin, but it seems as though you and your lucky sis are blessed with great genetics. I won't leave a question because you already have so many!!

Remodelaholic said...

I love reading your blog. I love seeing such a wonderful family. I was so sad when I read that blog (couldn't comment on) about the rude comment that was left. Anyone who has read your blog, can see that you have an abiding faith and love of God and our Savior. So don't take it to heart.

People don't know the work it takes to have a family, but sadly enough, they also don't know the joy that children and husbands bring into your life. That is something money can't buy, it is just love and hard work. But people are always searching in the wrong places rather than do the hard work.

I just wanted you to know that I really think it just shows a lack of direction in the commentors part- hopefully, they will think about what they said, and learn from it, and choose a better path. But as for you, just keep up the wonderful job as a wife and mother and enjoy the happiness and blessings that it brings! (and don't forget to blog about it, cause you have such a great view on life and family, that is so fun to keep up with- and we all learn from it!!)

annek said...

I had to stop and think about the comment the person made yesterday and I've come to this conclusion...some peole just aren't very happy. It's sad to think that rather than enjoy the things you share with everyone (your faith, your talents, a glimpse at your family) there are people who just cannot enjoy it with you. I guess these are the peolpe we need to reach out to and maybe it's a good the anon is reading your blog...because maybe she (I assume) will learn to find joy in everyday things and find a way to look for the good in in everything rather than being intimidated or jealous of someone like you who finds a way to be happy! and satisfied with what you have.
Try not to let the comment get you down...you have lots a people (like me) who enjoy hearing what's new and feeling like we get to share a little part of it.

HES said...

I agree with the previous few comments--you are a wonderful momma and full of grace. Have a good rest of the week!

Anne said...

Hi Darby, I am new to your blog and am so enjoying reading about your precious family! I'm wondering where you got your rug in your living room? (The room with the tall, white bookcases) Thanks and good luck fielding all these questions!

Jennifer said...

How fun! And don't you worry about anyone who leaves a comment to try and upset you. People can be strange, and the things they say can be even stranger! Your blog is amazing and I consider reading it to be part of my daily routine, so thank you for being so sweet, genuine and honest.

Speaking of blogs, I'm going to have a new one up and running soon...hopefully!

Devon said...

My question is, oh talented one, when are you going to put together your book deal that includes all of your creative ideas? Your recipes, crafts and sewing ideas? Your ability to be creative on a small budget is inspiring and, most of all, fun. You should take your lovely original ideas, tie them up in a pretty bow (a book) and offer it to third parties for sale. :)

Saw your post today. Keep your head up. I would say everyone but the anonymous poster understands who you are and where you are coming from. And we appreciate your willingness to share because we are also on budgets and need help coming up with creative, fun ways of living with our family that don't break the bank.

Shannon said...

I don't think that is what you portray at all. Sure, everyone enjoys a new pair of shoes or camera once in a while. Your life and faith are inspiring. So much so that I have been seriously thinking of committing myself to attending church. (I would describe myself as having strong faith, but never been a part of organized religion). THANKS for opening up your life to us...don't change A THING!!!

Mandy said...

I had to come back to comment on your "Whoa Nelly" post. Do not change a thing you do...I can not believe someone was rude to you...well, I can but you need to ignore that...they obviously have some insecurities of their own and it is none of their business how you afford your lifestyle. I appreciate all that you share, your ideas, thoughts, recipes, inspiration, etc...I don't think there should be any judgement attached to what you choose to say, share, etc...or the way you choose to live your life... I would NOT take one thing they say to heart b/c they obviously don't read often or know you well. Now I am mad! Have a great day! Love, Mandy

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I am so proud of your response to material joy... there is no true joy from material possesions only temporary pleasure. True joy was purchased for us at the highest price. I think you are precious and don't come off showy or materialistic. I know that wasn't the intent of the e-mailer, but I wanted you to know. Hoots mom!

Kathleen said...

Hi Darby, Fly Through My Window! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. Look forward to reading it everyday. I too have a Canon Rebel and am weaning myself off of the auto setting. Your photos are good! Maybe you can occasionally include the camera settings when you post a photo? It's always helpful to see what others are doing!

As for your post today - Wednesday -in response to the "money" comment that was left. I actually think it was a tad bit inappropriate but you took it in stride. Sounds like it may be coming from someone who simply has not had their "a-ha moment" and realized what this life is all about. Which is certainly not money! Kudos to you for being so open about your relationship with God, your husband and your children. Keep blogging, you put a smile on this Mama's face!!

Anonymous said...

The picture of the petit fours is TORTURE!!!

And a huge thanks for the link for the dress pattern - I've decided that sewing clothes for myself is NOT for me - I'm stickin' with kids clothes.

laurenbusbee said...

I have been reading your blog for some time now, and I absolutely love it! I've wanted to comment for a while, but I've put it off until I read someone's not so friendly comment, and thought you might need a little bit of encouraging not to change a single thing! Your posts make my day. I have 2 1/2 year old twins,and you are constantly inspiring me with fun ideas for the kiddos, yummy recipes and mommy crafts too (I just purchased clips and ribbon for the hairbow tutorial this morning!!). Please know you are loved and appreciated! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Andrea said...

Laughing out loud at the "time out" wine. Now I know what I'll be getting several people for mother's day.

Heather said...

I am a new blogger thanks due in part to you who inspired me to my own. A friend sent me your link because we are about to move into our 70's ranch home and thought I could appreciate all that you have done on your home remodel. Well, I do appreciate it and I am enamoured(sp) with your sweet family. You are faithful to give glory to God and are an encouragement. Thanks

Lindsey W. said...

Some of these questions are a littly nosey in my opinion. I just wanted to let you know that I read your blog often and you seem like a very nice person, and a wonderful mother. I adore the clothes and things you make for your children. These are the things they will remember when they get old and it will remind them of how much you love them. Don't listen to the rude comments. Be happy knowing you are a good person.

Dona said...

With all that money ya'll have, I bet you had to pay your sister-in-law a bunch to take that great picture of ya'll. Or maybe she had to pay you- since you are famous!

Anonymous said...


I have got to tell you that I love,
love, love your blog. And... your
little Paige I could eat with a spoon! Our one and only is 16, and I so miss little ones!!! Please do not change anything, you are a individual with a enormous heart!!! I love seeing what you do, and what talent you have. You are so proficient with your new camera, and I know that you are going to be Alabama's premier photographer. So...DO NOT pay any attention to people like Anonymous. They are sooo not worth it. signed Susie in Texas!!!

Anonymous said...

I am learning how to sew and thought an apron would be easy...did you make the aprons your girls are wearing? So cute! Did you add the "patches" on them? Just looking for an easy pattern!! I need to start easy....streessing the word easy here!!!!

Any beginning sewing tips and ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you..love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Darby -
First off....no question, just a comment. I've been following your blog for just a short time (since Chance's accident) but have absolutely fallen in love with you and your family. Please, please, please don't let one person's rude question change one single thing about you or your post.

Abby Maddox said...

If you figure out who "Anonymous" was, I'll go help you blow up their house :) If you answer all these questions...holy crap! You've told me before that you are thankful for transparency on my blog, but somehow, telling people your children's middle names and the color of paint on their walls (WHAT?) seems a lot more transparent to me. Good job on serving others through your blog. That's really what this is, serving us all with the fruit of your time and talents. Screw anonymous!

Denise said...

Hi Darby,

I really don't have a question. I just read your post for today, April 15. I wanted to say that one of the reasons I love your blog is because you are a REAL person. You are so easy to relate to and I love that your trips to Walmart also double as a clothes buying outing, because so do mine. :) I so admire you for having your yardsale to purchase your camera. You give me just the right dose of "real life" every day to help me remember that we don't need material things to make us happy. We just need our families and our Heavenly Father. Keep up the good work and please don't let people get to you. They just don't get it. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Darby,

I was lucky to come upon you and your sister's blogs one day and I really enjoy and look forward to your posts! FYI - you do not come across as bragging or as materialistic! Please do not let someone bring you down, when you inspire so many others!

I am new to this blogging thing and I am so excited!

Hope you have a GREAT day!

Anonymous said...

How old are you?

Gail said...

Darby, You have a loving family and a blessed life. Glory be to God! You are a Godly Woman, and you share with your heart--- wide open. DO NOT allow anyone to steal your joy. That person that wrote that nasty sounding question should know better. I love reading about your life and look forward to seeing your new post. You are doing a great job! I made that wonderful dish you suggested; the stir-fry...Talk about fast, and GREAT! Keep up the great work!It makes my own heart sing...knowing their are people like you in this world!

Katie said...

I am cracking up at all these questions! Good luck to you on this task! No questions from me, just support as you continue life's journey girl! I've got three little ones under four and under myself...it's all an adventure huh?!!!

Ben and Kristen said...

I hope it's OK that I ask another question! I noticed when you post videos on your blog that you use YouTube. When I post videos on my blog through blogger it always ends up so small on my post and yours show up bigger through YouTube. When you make a youtube account do you have to allow others to see your videos or can you keep the account private and then just embed the video into your blog?
Thanks for blogging. I think I've been reading for a little less than a year and I love your design and childrens and fashion inspirations! Don't let anyone get you down...we all love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hello Darby

I lOVE your blog.. I check in daily (sometimes more than once but don't tell my boss)
becuase of you, I know shop at Walmart for myself too!Who knew.
My questions have already been asked, but I ask them again in case you are keeping track-

1. I too have the same camera..but i don't quiet know how to use it correctly. Sometimes, I get better pictures with my small P&S kodak camera, than my canon. So, please guide us on the different setting that you use.
2. i really want to remodel my kitchen cabinets to make them look like yours. Can you tell me the process- such as Did you really sand them completely down?? what kind of paint you use? etc...

Thanks and keep inspiring!!!!!!

Kymberly said...

darby- i think your blog is wonderful, and read it everyday. In your most recent post, in response to the inappropriate remark, the way you said you hope to be seen is exactly how you portray yourself, and your family. It is clear in your blog that you are a Godly woman, and a wonderful mom and wife. don't sweat it- i would venture to say that the person who left the rude comment/question is in a small, small minority of people who think that about you!
keep your head high! :)

Elizabeth Mills said...

Love your blog! What kind of embroidery machine do you have? Can you give me any advice on buying one? Thanks!

Erin said...

My sweet little Annie Frances had a little goose egg on Easter morning as well. Matched her little blue dress fabulously. So glad to hear your little one is okay too! Hope you all had a truly blessed Easter!

Anonymous said...

i would LOVE to know all of your paint colors - especially your kitchen!

also- how do you stay in such great shape? you look so awesome - especially knwoing you have had three kids!!! wow!!!

and lastly, how do you organize your life??

Amber said...

I love reading your blog. I have used so many of your decorating and sewing ideas. I hope you don't mind! I love the fact that you make so many handmade things for your family. It truly shows your love for them. I have a daughter who is 5 and a son 6 months and I love to do Easter baskets, Santa, and treats for every holiday. I believe it shows your love and joy for your children. Keep on living your life the way you are!

Courtney said...

Hey Darby! Just wanted to say that when I read your blog and look at your world from the outside, I see two VERY hardworking parents who do all they can to provide for their family and live life to its fullest. And it hurts my heart that people spend time wondering how others afford this or that - life's too short. I see a Mom who spends all day teaching children to be creative and love the small pleasures in life, like a sunny afternoon swim or freshly baked cookies. And I see a Dad who actively seeks work to keep him busy and providing.

The other day we attended a doggie play outing at the American Club and all the women were telling me "I could get a much nicer house if we'd come out of pocket towards our rent." I mentioned that we're still paying a mortgage back home and they replied, "so are we, but you can get a mansion if you up your monthly amount here by just $600 more." I left with a lump in my throat. $600 more to me is $600 more towards a home I actually own in Houston, not to live in a mansion in Malaysia just for the sake of keeping up with every other American here. I hate the judging and I hate the assumptions, but I do know these types of situations remind me who I am, what kind of person I want to be, and keep me grounded and hoping to please Him, and no one else. I welcome that sort of perspective from time to time -- so hoping your anon commenter isn't hurting your soul [because the thought of that saddens me!], but rather reminds you what kind of woman of God you are!

Ashley said...

Hey Darby!
I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few weeks! I think I am drawn to your blog because you seem to be a real mama, doing real things, loving a REAL GOD! It is very obvious to me that you let your "light" shine!
Ok, my questons...
1. When do you sew? I LOVE to sew, but find it hard to squeeze it in. My 2 girls are the same ages as your youngest daughter and son.
2. Do you have a favorite place to buy fabric? (children's clothing and upholstry)

sarah said...

how do you get your pictures so big on your blog

katy said...

Darby, I just want to cry for you when I think about how hurt you must have been reading that comment. Perhaps the commenter didn't mean to be offensive, but didn't think through their words. Regardless, I can see how much the comment would be hurtful.
I am so inspired by your blog and do not think that you need to justify how you and your family spend your finances to outsiders. Thank you for opening up a window into your family's life to inspire other women (and men, I assume) from all over the world.

MaryBeth said...

I can not believe she or he meant this in the way you are taking it. I bet she meant it as a compliment. You have a lovely home, a lovely family and to many a very lovely life.
Please know I don't mean in a financial way but in a "I love my family and will do every thing I can to make them happy, including giving them nice clothes (home made or thrift), a lovely home (fixed up over time) and books and toys you find appropriate (at any price)."
People will always look at others and think how do they do that. But know I think that about you because of your many talents and organization of your time.
Take it all as a compliment and keep on blogging! xoxo, MB

Vicky said...

Hey Darby,
We have never met, but I am Chance and Erika's Aunt Vicky from Virginia. I have to know if those petit fours came from Rolens and if not where did you find those yummy looking things?????

Unknown said...

Question #1
What do you clean your floors with?

Do you wear briefs, thongs, or bikinis?

Do you sleep on your stomach or back?

What size of bra do you wear?

What kind of shampoo do you use?

Do you like Erika or Cousin more?

bluehydrangea said...


Are you still reading comments? I am impressed. I almost didn't leave one because you must be overwhelmed but I just had to say please don't let that comment get you down. You inspire so many people and hopefully she just didn't think before she wrote! Hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I've never commented before but I've been reading your blog for awhile and I really love it. I think perhaps the person who made the comment that upset you is just unaware. Maybe it's your beautiful pictures, or your full and happy life that made them think that or maybe that person is struggling and having a "life isn't fair" type of day and took it out on you. Whatever the reason behind the comment, the people who really read your blog know the truth. It kind of made me smile a little bit thinking about your walmart finds and thrifty ways. Don't feel bad about it making you cry (I would too) I think it's awesome you and your husband have sacrificed to make sure you are the ones to raise your children. My husband and I have done a lot of that too and I still feel like my life is rich and full as I can tell from your blog that yours is too.
I hope that commenter finds their own blessings in their own life that have nothing to do with money or things.
Love Reading! Jennifer

Julie Wolfe said...

I forgot I had one more. What happened to the online recipe book? I'm sure you finished it; but I just don't remember reading a blog post about it. Thanks girl!

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Oh, Darby. Man, am I behind the 8 ball. These are HILARIOUS!! I can't wait for this post!
I agree about your pictures being bigger on the blog. How DO you do that?
And what ever happened to the recipe/ cook book from so long ago that we sent in recipes for? :) You only have had a baby since then- I can't imagine what else you've been doing.
And you are so super genuine and kind in real life, too. I know that's what draws people to your blog. Someone mentioned this before as your "ministry" and that's what it is! Awesome! I love it! Much better than the parking lot ministry...
May God continue to bless you and your ministry and that sweet family!

Anonymous said...

Hello Darby,

I found your blog through frugalcouponliving and have been reading for a few weeks. In no way do you portray yourself as a "jet setter", but you are allowed to be joyful and proud of the blessings in your life. Your treasure is in Heaven, but God has chosen to bless you with a wonderful family and a house you have worked hard to make a home.

Elizabeth said...

Reading your blog is the highlight of my day! I LOVE catching a glimpse into a home of 2 hard working, Jesus loving, Auburn people that are REAL! As a 1st grade teacher I KNOW how hard your job is and I think that all the things you do are amazing! I am inspired by you all the time and hope that one day I too can provide a loving home for my children--raising them in a Christian environment--and surrounding them with WHOLESOME activities like you do EVERYDAY! Thank you a billion times over for writing your blog! I am constantly putting "Darby ideas" into my "vault"!!! Keep it up!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you write all your post with photos on flickr? If so, HOW DO YOU GET THE PHOTOS SO LARGE!!!!! I have tried over and over to write my post with the photos over on flickr, but all the photos end up sooooo dog gone small.


jessica said...

I also was going to ask how you get your photos so large. Do tell:)

Judy said...

Love you Darby - you are so precious!!! I wanted to know if you have a pattern or could at least give me some numbers on the cute apron? I would love to make one for each of my 3 daughters.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog!!!
I have a question about a local fabric store you mentioned a while back. I think you said it was in the back of a store not sure where you are talking about but would love to know!

Teale said...

Hey Darby! You asked for questions and you sure got them! I enjoy your blog so much... I have even found myself in conversations with other people about cooking or sewing, and I will say "you know, there's this blog you should check out... her name is Darby" - and they say "OH, I READ IT ALREADY AND LOVE IT!"

My one and only question is this...
I noticed a while back in a photo of your outdoor furniture you had a piece of the same brown/white fabric on the outdoor table as you have on your chair in your living room. Did you put it under a piece of glass on the outdoor table? Did you cover it with clear vinyl? How'd you do that?? I dig it. Blog on, friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Lord if hand me downs, thrift store finds, "vintage" items and clearance dresses are luxury call me donald! :] (as in trump!) and I'll call you bill gates!:) some people just need to think before typing! Keep on keeping on girl! Geez....

Molly Turner said...

I love your blog!! You seem like a great mommy and wife and sister (I have a twin sister too) and mostly you are a strong Christian woman!
My question isn't too exciting but...
how did you get the "search this blog" search on your sidebar?

Lori said...


I have been reading your blog for a while now and LOVE it. Your family is precious. I have a cousin who could be you sister. Ya'll look so much alike!

All of my questions have already been asked. Can't wait to read all the answers and see the bathroom pics.

God Bless your sweet family

Sarah said...

I'm new to (stalking) your blog and I wish I were your neighbor! You seem very "real" and I appreciate it. My question (late) is how was the adjustment to 3 little ones? I have two now and am contemplating a 3rd...

Sarah said...

I thought of another question....I downloaded "Mighty to Save" after seeing the video on your blog...how about some other music selections? Thanks!

Risala Furniture said...

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