Once again, I apologize for the lack of posts since Friday. Chance is recovering and my sister, Erika, has been posting updates on
her blog. Thank you so much for all your prayers, comments, well wishes, offers to help, Wii offers, ambulance rides, transportation, spare bedrooms etc. We truly felt the love!
Now, life has been extremely busy these last fews day but this is
a must share so I'm carving out a little time to blog about it. A big thank you to a kind reader, Denise, {who, I think, is in South Carolina} for sharing it with me {and all of y'all}!
I turned it into a PDF so you can easily print it off. Click
HERE for the printable version. All the scriptures are included on the document so you don't even have to have a Bible.
The girls and I made them last night and had an absolute blast in the process...
Easter Story Cookies::
You'll need: Bible, 1 c pecans, 1 tsp. vinegar, 3 egg whites, pinch of salt, 1 c granulated sugar, 1 qt. or gal. size zipper bag, wooden spoon, tape

Before we started we preheated the oven to 300 and lined a cookie sheet with parchment paper {although the recipe called for wax}.
First, have your helpers crush, smash, and beat the pecans and while they do it share with them that this is what the Roman soldiers did to Jesus' body. Read John 19:1-3.

Morgan has heard the story before but last night she seemed shocked that this is what happened to Jesus.

Before you add the vinegar to the mixing bowl let the children smell the vinegar. Explain to them that this is what Jesus was offered to drink. Read Read John 19:28-30.

To the vinegar, add egg whites. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10-11.
Sprinkle a little salt into each childs hand and let them taste it. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sins. Read Luke 23:27. Morgan wasn't fond of the salt.

Next, the story turns sweet. Add 1 cup of sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16.

Add the sugar.

The sugar was so good... they didn't want to let it go.

Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18 & John 3:1-3.

Fold in the broken nuts. Drop mixture by spoonfuls onto waxed paper {I used parchment}. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60.

Place the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66.

GO TO BED. Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20.
The next morning...
open the oven and remove the cookies. Notice - the cookies are hollow! On the first Easter Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9.

Try it! Your kids/grandkids, nieces, nephews, husbands, friends will all love it!
Happy Holy Week!
Glad your back. Can't wait to try the cookies!!
We love doing those cookies too! They are a great tool and the kiddos are a great age! Have you tried the Resurrection Eggs? There is a video of John Hunter doing them on the blog... they are AWESOME! I would totally recommend them!
Hi Darby, so glad things are looking up for the entire family. This was so amazing, I only wish I had it when my kids were small. Happy Holy week to you too. Hope your mom finally got off safe and sound.
that was so sweet. did paige get it? i am wondering if it might be a little heavy for julianna at 2 1/2... if you read my blog today she was a little confused and thought that Peter Rabit died on the cross! I think she is getting her stories mixed up?! haha
Wonderful idea!
Glad Chance and Erika are doing well!
What a great idea! I can't wait to try these with my nieces and nephew. Happy Easter and may God bless you and your family!
Hey. Welcome back to the blogging world. Have you ever noticed how much your baby girl looks like Mary Ellen...Kirby Hart's daughter...it's amazing the resemblance.
Wow, that was beautiful, I loved reading this, and the priceless looks on the girls faces. Thank you for this.
Glad to know these turn out -- I found the recipe last year and saved it to try this year with my 2 yr old!
wow, love this. thanks for sharing. new to your blog.... glad i found it. :)
I've never seen this cookies, but I definately want to try them! My daughter is 2 1/2, did your youngest seem to enjoy & understand it well enough to make it worth it? I'm trying to decide whether to do it this year or wait until next.
I like how you just shared the gospel through your recipe to anyone who's simply just reading the post. I'm a Christian, and that even made me slow down and reflect on the events that took place this week years and years ago.
Thanks so much Darby for sharing this wonderful activity with us. What a precious time. Blessings to you all. Happy Easter.
How cute... I'll try it!
So fun...Phoebe is too young to understand much this year but I am going to add this to my archives for next year! So glad to hear Chance is doing better! Love ya~Happy Easter!
WOW!!!! Thanks for sharing - I have never heard of those - I loved Morgan's sweet expressions!!!! Fun Fun - hope ya'll are enjoying this Passion week!
That is awesome, thanks for sharing!
Somebody forwarded this to me since I have 3 little boys and LOVE teaching them about Jesus!
Thank you so much. I may link this on my blog. I hope that is ok.
glad you put this on. a friend of mine had given this to me too. looking forward to making these!
glad you put this on. a friend of mine had given this to me too. looking forward to making these!
Morgan's face cracked me up in each of the pictures! I had never heard of these cookies, but what a great idea! I'm not sure if Adriana would understand at her age this year (almost 2 and a half), but I may try to make them with her anyways...and it sounds like a good family tradition to start! Thanks for sharing this :)
I love this! Sounds like a great Easter tradition to start with my my family!
I love this idea, and can't wait to do this one day if I have children. Happy Easter!
Love it, Darby! Those precious pictures are too much. Are you loving your new camera?? Hope you're all doing well!
What a sweet way to tell the story of Christ! We love these cookies and it is so easy to explain what HE did for us. Great pics, too!
I was so sorry to hear about Chance's accident. I have been praying for all of you. My brother had a terrible head injury, and it was sooo scary!! I LOVE this post!! I hope to have a child to try this with one day. If I do and I forget about this {which I probably will} please remind me. The pictures absolutely make this post!!! I just love it that the girls have the same haircuts now.
Love it so much! The story is, of course, life changing and the Morgan expressions are priceless! Great pictures!
I love this idea! It is so tangible! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog.
That is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait until my daughter, Hollon, is old enough to share in this lesson!
what a great way to share the story of Jesus. I tried to tell my little Ellie about it all last night and she soon asked if we could talk about the ark instead. I guess the ark is a little cooler to a 3 year old.
Hey - I am so glad you tried these! The girls look have such adorable expressions. Also, glad Chance is doing better!!
Denise in SC
Darby - neat post! Who knew there were such a thing as Easter cookies?! And, love the pics - are you using the 50 mm for these? Have you found any helpful books or websites to aid in learning the camera? I'm in search of time, resources, and objects so that I can work on this craft! Just curious...
Glad Erika and Chance are doing well!
What a beautiful post!
And what a wonderful way to illustrate the Easter story!
I wish my mom did this with me when I was their age - such a great and special way to tell the story of Easter.
glad to hear the family is doing good. I was hoping for an update.
Thanks soooo much for sharing this! My eyes swelled with tears as I read about the vinegar and saw your precious morgan's face. I dont have kids of my own, but I will share this with some that I would take any day as my own. :)
Happy Holy Week to you too!
How sweet! I'll have to pass this to my neice!!! Question for you (totally off the subject!)...I am learning how to sew and thought an apron would be easy...did you make the aprons your girls are wearing? So cute! Did you add the "patches" on them? Just looking for an easy pattern!! I need to start easy....streessing the word easy here!!!!
Thank you..love your blog!
glad you are back too. what a awesome tool. can't wait to try it with the kids. maybe this weekend so daddy can be a part too. hope you guys have a great week. **can't believe how much the girls look alike with their hair?!
This is a great idea! Thanks, Darby!
how in the world did you capture such precious pictures while doing this? a woman of many talents, you are. so, not that eating the cookies is the focus, but i gotta know if they taste good?
this is sooo sweet (literally too!) I only wish that I had kids to do this with...do you think my husband would like it?
What a FABULOUS recipe and fun thing to do with the kids! I LOVE IT! :)
So great. Thanks, Darby.
precious! thanks for sharing!
This is such a fabulous idea!! Thanks so much for sharing!
Such a great idea! I'm sending to all my friends with little ones. Thanks for sharing!
I can't wait to try this! what a great activity to tell the story. thank you so much for sharing! I am trying to teach the little ones that Easter is not all about the jelly beans and baskets!
SO NEAT! I'm so glad you shared! I passed the link along to several people too. SWEET PICTURES! I love that they taped up the oven, and went to bed....Behold, Empty Cookies! SO NEAT!
how precious! priceless pictures! wondering how the cookies taste (i'm pregnant, i'm allowed to wonder)... even if they taste bad, the lesson is well worth it. i love you!
What a good idea! I might be trying this on Good Friday since we have the day off.
Pretty sure this is the absolute most adorable blog post I have ever read. Seriously! Praise God that Christ is Risen!
Happy Holy Week to you! And I would also like to point out that I now have the same haircut as Paige and Morgan. Rock on!!
Holy Moly I love this! I mean, Holy Cookie I love this! Going to attempt it with the offspring. My favorite pic is John Martin with his face inside the sugar bowl. Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us.
Such a great post! I am going right now to tell my sister in law about these! Thanks for sharing! And I just adore the pictures!
Thanks for the tutorial! We'll be making these tomorrow night, and I just linked to you from my blog...
Happy Easter!
This idea is even better than Resurrection Eggs! I LOOOVE IT! Thanks so much for posting it with pictures too! Your kids are adorable! Happy Easter!
Girl - I almost took a picture to send to you my absolute failure at this rather lovely idea. I had to HAND blend for 15 minutes and substituted reynolds wrap for the wax paper (desperate times, no wax paper)....thus it ruined the effect and flattened my cookies. Nate did not mind a bit, he scraped those cookies right off the foil and ate 5 of them before I could stop him.
Making your asain meal tonight for some dear friends who just had their 4th girl.....looking forward to celebrating our Jesus this weekend.
Have a blessed Easter!!!
Love, the Fenwicks
I've never heard of this. . . amazing! My babies are a little young right now. . . but I'm going to keep this and try it in the future!
hey- such a cute idea- we may do these tomorrow. i am going to post the link on my blog if you don't mind! :)
do you have a way to subscribe to your blog?i would love to get your posts on email or follow you on blogger
I followed your lead and did this with my kids and my niece on Saturday night, there are pics on my blog!
I hope you don't mind, but I am featuring these cookies with a link to your post tomorrow at Happy Home Fairy! I know everyone's going to love popping over here to see the joy these cookies brought your Happy Home!
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