It's one of those days {drab, dreary & chilly} that calls for a spot of tea. So, a spot of tea I have and I thought I'd share a few things with you on this very SPECIAL November 4th...
I tried, I tried, I tried... and I was denied! Let me start by saying that there was a great deal of
red tape that kept us from pulling off our
"Election Day" bake sale at a local polling location. I again, am so grateful for those of you who volunteered to bake and sit. I was quite discouraged with the last minute "
no" that I received on Saturday! In lieu of the bake sale, would you consider a donation on the Cookies for Kids Cancer

Although I wasn't there to sell cookies, I did make it to my polling location to cast my vote. I need not tell you who I voted for... I think you all know and there's no need to stir up any more controversy. I will tell you this, I have a total peace about who ever makes it into office! I'm just itchin' to see who it will be! I love a close race! Doesn't it make it all the more exciting? I will do my best
not to tune into the tv tonight... the news media makes me nuts. But the Duggars don't. Did you see Josh get engaged last night? How bad did he want to kiss her? He was crackin' me up.

Today is Morgan's 4th Birthday! We started the day off right with
Batter Blaster pancakes with a candle sqooshed in the center. I took her to school in her "new birthday outfit". I haven't sat and sewn in so long that I had to whip this one up over the weekend. The first thing she told her teacher was that she had a pocket on her pants... I guess a pocket can be thrilling if you're not used to one! I stole the "4" idea from
Meg. She and her dainty little classmates will be enjoying peti fours in honor of her big day! I was quite impressed with how they turned out {no, I didn't make them}. I snapped a picture and
ate inhaled one myself before taking them to the mighty little munchkins. They looked good and tasted even better! They were just the right size for preschoolers and {believe it or not} cheap to boot!

The little {BIG} man has reached a milestone
unfortunately it's not sleeping through the night ROLLING OVER! Can we all give him a big round of applause!? He was so proud and we all cheered him on in his new lease on life. He no longer will be starting aimlessly at the ceiling.

He also tried out the bumbo seat this morning... another new lease on life! Can you see he likes it? He also accompanied me this morning to the polls and was a perfect angel! Kristen, thanks for being on call in the event of a meltdown! The young man slept the entire HOUR that I was there! I'm glad I didn't leave him in the parking lot with you! :)

And what's a post without the Raiger
picking her nose sporting an outfit she selected all on her own! You go sista' in your red boots!!

Ok, my tea is long gone, my dishes are piled up and it's time to get back to reality! Happy Birthday, Morgan! Happy Election Day! Here's to a new chapter in the history books of America!
YUM! To all of it (except Paigers nose-picking)! That picture is sooo cute of JM! I love them all, kiss me for them!!
love it all! Happy BIrthday Morgan. I so remember when that little white fuzzy head was born! May she always be thrilled about the small things (pockets) in life! Paige-Whitney wore red cowboy boots with EVERYTHING when we were little. You keep on with yourself!
Morgan's birthday outfit is adorable! I would have been so happy to help you out but am glad that sweet little boy slept for you! I am trying to finish our book on CD that we took to the mountains so that would have been the perfect excuse to sit in the car with him and listen!
Happy Birthday Miss Morgan - four is such a fun age!
John Martin is too cute for words (I want to squeeze those cheeks) and of course Paige is adorable, too. Love those boots!
Thanks for sharing your day!
Love the little red boots and your new blog header!
Happy Birthday Morgie!! Love the JM pics...did I blink and miss him turn into a very much older looking baby all of a sudden?? Paige is cracking me up with her boots & nose picking!
Darby, you crack me up! I love your girls and sweet JM! Happy, happy, happy birthday to Morgan.
what a healthy looking baby boy!!! Those cheeks are just too cute.
GREAT new blog header! :-) Lovin the boots Morgan- you go girl! Work it! And Happy Birthday!!!
Totally diggin' the new photo! I bet E. took it and I LOVE IT!!!
Today is Benjamin's B-day. I should warn you I will be stealing that idea for peti fours for Luke. I'll have to rename them as that is too girlish for a boy. I'll let you know what I come up with.
Wishing for a cup of hot tea.
happy birthday morgan!! (and we missed little man's big 4 month milestone!!) AC can go from belly to back, but not quite back to belly. what a big boy!! i ADORE that outfit. i need help picking out coordinating fabrics. i think i just need to go sit in a fabric store and pray it sets in!! did you get those petit fors from "the cake box"? (is it even still open?? they had THE best ones growing up!!) and glad it looks like paige is feeling better!!
I'm amazed how much JM looks like Justin already.
Those cheeks are so darn cute.
Happy Birthday to Morgan! JM is so adorable. And I love the outfit Paige selected for herself!
JM is HUGE HUGE! He is gettin some good eating from somewhere ;) Glad you had a happy day, and I LOVE the new blog page. I just did a new one too, and it's such a breath of fresh air isn't it?
D, just incase I have not told you recently, you are amazing!!! Happy Birthday Morgan, Happy Rollin' JM, Happy pickin' in your red boots Paige, and Happy Election Day All! I was actually looking at paint colors via your blog with a dear friend last night. (I need to send you some "JM" stuff, I've got lots of it, fun initials to have.)
happy happy birthday to morgan! hope you celebrate in a wonderful way!
miss you and your sweet family!!
John Martin is adorable! wow is he changing by the day!
Awww Wonderful Post! I love it all...the pictures, the outfit; you talented lady!
And isn't it great to have the peace that God is in control, no matter the outcome today? Thank you Jesus. :)
Sweet little Morgan and I share the same birthday! Wish her a very happy one for me. :)
Happy Birthday, Morgan!!
JM's picture is soooooooooooooo cute...LOVE those dimples...gosh, he's good-lookin!
I'm thankful that you're not anxious about the presidential turnout. We've prayed, we've voted, may the LORD's choice candidate prevail! In Jesus' name we pray! Amen!
I'm sorry the bake sale did not work out. Surely the Lord has HIS purpose behind that, as well. I praise HIM for open and closed doors...HE knows what we can handle and what is best. You are such a sweetheart, Darby. A SWEETHEART!
Love you, girl!
awww... happy birthday to your big four year old! my caden just turned four too... do you remember our due dates were just days apart?? i think we got a belly shot at MJ's wedding. :) where does the time go? it's a little sad isn't it? i love her outfit, raiger's boots :), and your sweet little John Martin. God continually shines through you and your blog. Love to all of you. :)
Happy Birthday to Morgan!!! JM is getting big! All 3 are PRECIOUS! Wonder where they get it??
Love the #4 outfit!
Well I'm so sorry to hear that the bake sale didn't fly!! We did super out here and NO RED TAPE!!! Thanks again for all you inspiration, and for the apple butter recipe...made that to for the sale! Oh and of course Happy Birthday to Morgan.
Happy Birthday Morgan - JM is too cute - they reach those milestones faster and faster and they're bittersweet - it's exciting but sad all at the same time (especially for me, knowing it's the last) - love your creativity with the petit fours and the outfit - my children act like i've given them a million dollars when they wear clothes with pockets - CRAZY!!!
Happy (Belated)Golden birthday! You are 4 on the 4th! Yahoo... I love pockets too!!!
Happy Belated birthday, Morgan! The BIG 4!! So exciting...almost as exciting as a pocket;) Sounds like a great day!
Love you all!
Oh yeah, I love the new blog header! Too bad "all 3 aren't in the picture"
Happy Birthday, sweet Morgan! JM is growing and so handsome! Your blog today made me smile....thanks! God is Good!
where to begin...i love it all!!
happy b-day morgan!
the "4" outfit--ohmygoodness, is amazing!
little JM--cute as a bug! [congrats on the roll over!]
the nose picking and red boot wearing---love, love, love!!
you have one cute bunch!
So love your new blog header. It is probably not even new, but I am behind on my reading. Your childrens are so beautiful!
i love the 4 shirt! very cute.
i am so glad you left me a comment. you were so sweet. you and sister look like lots of fun! we can definitely be friends. :) i love blog friends.
i look forward to getting to know you better too!
have a great night!
and happy birthdays all around.
What is the pattern for the #4 pants?? We are going on the santa train in a few weeks and I need to stitch up some pants for my 2 year old! Those are ADORABLE!!
wow. i'm a little late but happy birthday morgan! love the birthday outfit. and JM is getting so big so fast it seems. hope ya'll have a good weekend!
**my dear husband insisted that we spell elle's name without an "i". he wanted her to have the option of being "l" when she's older... and he thought it was a cooler spelling. i got rebecca as her middle name in return.
OOOH! Can we get a pants tutorial? Or can you email the pattern you use? Too cute!
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