Sugar & Spice & other things NICE!

She did a wonderful recap of our time together on her blog... you should go check it out! I'll leave the recapping to her but I will tell you that I truly feel like she is a gift to me from the Lord. A prayer partner, a friend, a sister, an encourager... loyal, loving, and wonderful to boot! Her husband, Russell, couldn't be with us but we all are looking forward to being together again soon! Thank you, Shireen, for venturing down on your own... I truly treasure the time we had together and I am already anticipating the next time!
I had a little project up my sleeve before she came and we had fun making these:

Mine was cute... yesterday. Not so cute today. I hung it on our back door before we got 13" of rain. Now it's looking a little soggy. Our back door is covered but the rain wasn't just 'a little rain' and it was accompanied by gusty wind... so my beautiful 10 lb wreath was wet, soggy, sticky and left a pile of sugar syrup at the foot of the door. Lovely. Just what you want tracked in your house. I brought it in this morning and attempted to "dust it with more sugar". It's still drying but hopefully {once this blasted rain stops} I can hang it back out there soon! If you have time... and want a project to do with your kids... it was fun! Just don't hang it out in the pouring rain. I also used a hot glue gun so the girls didn't get to attach the gumdrops... instead they organized them by color and helped by handing me the color I needed next! Oh.... and they ate one gumdrop for every gumdrop they handed mommy! Hello, any dentists out there?
Speaking of other things nice. I had to go for a check up on Tuesday... and for being such a good patient I treated myself to one of these at Chick-fil-A... : Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshake... go ahead, go get one... they're delightful and have real chunks of peppermint & chocolate... oh my... so good!! And FESTIVE!
Remember how I said I was going to make all my Christmas presents this year? Well, I haven't done that yet. And well... there are 14 days left. Hmm... better get busy. Y'all may not hear from me until after Christmas!
I have, however, managed to get most of my cards in the mail. I still have a few stragglers. I'm working on a digital card to post on here for all my blogging friends who I don't have mailing addresses for. My super talented friend, Lindsay, designed them for me again this year! Thanks, Lindsay... once again you blow me away! I'll post the cards after y'all get them in the mail! I'd hate to ruin a surprise! Well, that wraps things up around here! Hoping and praying each of you are enjoying the festivities!
love you! your wreath, shireen, your girls, your cards, all of it- CUTE AS CAN BE.
I loved the Christmas card picture.
I love the wreath.
Surely, there is something you can spray on it to make it last.
I am so not cleaning, I am supposed to be.
Hey, girl!
Russell and I are sitting at the dinner table, eating my homemade chicken parmesan and reading this post together! Thank you, sweet friend! I made cookies tonight! You would of been SO proud!
I'll post on them!! :)
I love love love you each! Big HUGS all around!
And I'm thankful to already have y'all's Christmas card on our fridge! ;)
Love you!
I saw that wreath in a magazine (?) and wished I hadn't already bought one for Christmas! It is SO cute. Ours would have been ruined by the rain we had today too though... I wish I had half of your creativity!
That wreath is so cute! I may attempt that you think it would hold up better in doors? I was thinking on the inside of my sunroom door might be a cute place to hang it....I need some energy with my 35 week pregnant self...I am running out of steam! So glad you had fun with Shireen...she looks cute! I have a baby boy due in Jan. as well but I sure do look more pregnant than her cute picture! :) Can't wait to see the Christmas card...I know it is cute! Mandy
i made that wreath last year! it's so fun! spray a coat of polyerthane on it before you put it out (next time).
hold the phone...i KNOW i left a comment on here. blogger is mean mean mean. basically it said i love that wreath and feel like it will be a hit next year for our house. that shireen is tooo cute to be that pregnant. not fair. something else was number 3, but i forgot what it was, but number 4 was that you should show us the greenery on your lazy susan b/c i'm sure we all eyed it and will want to know!!
I LOVE this wreath...I may have to try and make one this weekend!
I can't decide if the gumdrop wreath or the peeps wreath is my favorite. They're both so sweet and creative!
I'm glad you and Shireen had a wonderful visit. More so, that I was able to find a moment to read your blog today. It's always so nice.
Take care!
That wreath is darling! My mom made gumdrop topiaries that sat on the breakfast table at Christmas time. They lasted forever. As a little girl, I remember thinking how beautiful they were!! :)
LOVE the wreath - maybe you should make them as wreaths for the childrens' rooms next time! - I agree with Becky - that greenery looked AWESOME!
I love your board with the letters of scripture. Did you make it yourself? Where did you get the letters?
love those wreaths! going to make one myself, hopefully BEFORE christmas!!!
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