Monday, April 7, 2008

Tastebook UPDATE!

Hello faithful bloggers...

Just thought I'd take a quick second and update you on the status of the
Tastebook cookbook.

First, I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with all the recipes and the participation of those who I don't know personally. You should all pat yourself on your backs for being brave enough to reveal your stalker status. I've been slightly inundated with emails containing not only recipes but the most intriguing stories of how folks have found their way here. Both of which are equally entertaining, smile-provoking, and encouraging. And I'm fortunate to have made some new friends along the way!

Second, I want to whet your taste buds just a touch and let you know if it were feasible I'd invite you all over for a fabulous blogging dinner on the patio. Here's what's on the menu...

we'll start by socializing with Pomegranate Margaritas, Spinach Balls & Stuffed Mushrooms
next we'll enjoy a Bombay Salad
followed by Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin (which I made this weekend & it was a huge hit)
accompanied by Tomato Pie and Best Rice Casserole
and we'll top it all off with Aunt Ora's Fresh Apple Cake
& since we'll be eating on the patio I can't forget my most favorite submission so far Bird Muffins so that our feathered friends won't be left out of the fun!

Third, if you have yet to submit a picture to accompany your recipe please do so. And while I have found the two pictures I received of the recipes themselves to be very mouthwatering, I find the pictures of the human beings to be more interesting. So, if you have yet to submit your pictures please do so... and spouses, kids, grand kids, dogs are all acceptable!

Fourth, I know for a fact that there are a lot of y'all who have yet to submit. Don't worry time isn't up yet (next Wednesday, April 16th), and I'd love to have more! Once they're all in and in the book, I will sort through them and may have to omit some that are duplicates, etc.

Fifth, thanks for playing!

My mom and grandmother are still here and we're enjoying the break from the rain! I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for the next post so stay tuned! I'm off to get these 2 princesses off to bed! By the way, never say never when it comes to kids! I never thought I'd have two little "princesses"... and I never thought I'd buy a princess costume... look at me eating my words!

Many blessings!


Shireen said...

Darby, I squealed when I saw that you included our Fresh Apple Cake! :) Russell thought something was wrong when he heard me, but I read him the menu for us bloggers :), and he understood. I'm also grateful for the sunny skies and warmer weather!
I want to see a picture of YOU further along in your pregnancy with little Mr. Stickler. :)
So excited to see what you've got up your sleeves in the coming blogs! :)

Ashley Turnbull said...

I'm coming, I'm coming. I promise I'm sending a recipe. I really don't want to be left out here. Tomorrow. I can do it tomorrow =) It's so great that you have this book coming along - can't wait to see what other recipes it holds. All this good cooks out there...goodness!

simply seleta said...

I'm still recovering from spring break. Barely. I am excited to send a recipe! Just trying to figure out which one to send and if it will be worthy of your Tastebook.

I love the princess outfit embellished with a diaper. I recently took a picture of our 2 year old [boy] playing dress up in his older sisters' high heels while wearing nothing but a diaper.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me you and your family would throw a fabulous soiree! Yet, not because of the yummy menu, the fabulous new renovations, or the lure of a poolside setting. No, you would be "the hostess with the mostest" for reasons far greater.

For desiring to extend the invitation so graciously:
Hebrews 13:1 Let brotherly love continue. Hbr 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

And for what that invitation would mean:
Joshua 24:15 ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

What a dinner party, indeed!

lindsay said...

I can't wait! Also, Paige's pigtails are the cutest things ever!

lindsay said...

I also added some more recipes if you still have that link. If not I can send it to you again.

Anonymous said...

Hey D bone! Looking at these precious girls brings a tear to my eye because I sooo wish I was still there with you and your beautiful family. I was so impressed with your fabulous house(baths and all:) and more importantly your beautiful family. I'm so proud to call you family. I had such a great, much needed, way too short, mini vacation to your house. We definately need to do it more often! Aren't you proud of me for being on your blog? I sure am;) I love you and wish I was eating a Bay's and drinking coffee with you in the sun!! Kiss the angels for me! love you, cousie

jeana said...

Hey Darby, just want to say everything sounds sooo good.... and that the pictures of the painted face and big sister helping melted my heart. What precious girls.

LeslieW. said...

They look beautiful! We also love a princess dress here! I am glad I haven't missed the deadline, min is coming soon....if I can pick!