Cover Girl Outlast color #309
This is a great color. I highly recommend it. You "paint" it on. It dries permanent. You add a little gloss on top and you're set for the day.... oh, but make sure you KEEP OUT OF REACH OF TODDLERS. Did I mention once it dries it's fairly permanent? She's coated up with vaseline in this picture in attempt to get it off... didn't work. Cousin, I thoroughly enjoyed our 5 minute conversation.... sorry the Raiger & her lipstick interrupted us.
I had an AWESOME weekend with a delightful friend! I can't wait to recap....

that raiger must have liked it the last time she tried it! (didn't she do that this summer also??) little stinker. and i meant to tell you that little JM is such a cutie patootie!
Oh, she and Wilson would be best buds..if only we lived a little closer!
oh my gosh. hysterical.
paiger, you are a mess.
that lipstick is the best, because it NEVER comes off.
occassionally I'll put a gloss on that makes it come off... if I can think of which one it is I'll let you know.
she is JUST like my little Livvie, I think! Many times a day, I ask myself, how am I supposed to parent this child? She's going to get a complex from being told "NO" all the time!!!
Must be 2nd child syndrome, huh? :)
Oh, my gosh! Raiger really DOES get into EVERYthing! She's so quiet when she does it, too! I got to experience THAT this weekend! SO TRUE! She's a sweetheart all the same...just a very curious sweetheart! ;)
Oooooh, I've got to get my recap going, too!!! :) It may take me some time...My pregnancy seems to be affecting my focus...I feel like I'm A-D-D!
Hope you get that PAINT off her face! :)
Lookin' good little Raiger!!!
HAHA I have that lipstick and I can't manage to ever get it off my own lips much less those of a toddler! Hope it eventually wore off! So funny!
She is too cute! That is so fun that you meet people who you blog with! Your family is precious...I am sure we would have fun if we lived closer! I love to sew, cook, make crafts, etc...but Mt. Pleasant, SC is a long way. I love your blog, your projects and your stories! I ordered two of your burp cloths a while back off of etsy for my baby boy, due Jan. 16! Can't wait until you put more on there! Have a good day and a fun time cleaning up that 3 year old has yet to do this but I know it is coming! Love, Mandy
I like it. Very distinct Raiger! :) Wow...Hope it came off.
Hey Darby! Too cute......I don't think I've ever left a comment but I had to on this one. I wear this lipstick EVERY DAY......Pond's Cold Cream will take it right off! Your family is just precious.
(Brown's friend)
Blog stalker here...Thought I'd add that my daughter did this with the same lipstick. Alcohol, polish remover, elbow grease...forget it -this is stuff is permanent!!! It looked great for my 2 year old's school picture. Enjoy and be glad you have it captured - she'll thank you later!
that is too hilarious...i wish i knew of a way to get it off, but we haven't encountered this one all over the face - yet! let me know if you do find the magic solution...
Laughed out loud on this one. I think this girl will end up being a painter, as she enjoys color and applying it to a canvas, herself.
Wouldn't it be great if you could just use "Mr. Clean magic eraser" on this? It takes off everything.
But seriously, have you tried eye make-up remover? Had to use that on my 4 yr old's Ga Tech tatoo that Daddy plastered on her face. She even went to church in it. That's when I decided "this is it" and whipped out the eye make-up remover. Worked like a charm.
Yikes! I just might have to try this lipstick myself but I'll keep in mind to not let the little hands around my house near it :)
OH NO!!! I will remember your advice!
So, is Paige still "painted"? Maybe she'll be a makeup artist someday!
omg! This is so funny- although probably not for you! I hope it all comes off. Dear oh dear!
gotta love that little stinker! it was good to talk to you yesterday! Raiger never misses a moment to get into a little trouble;) so sweet though!! Love you!
Darby, I delcare! That Paiger is something else!!! I cannot tell you the number of times that your name comes up at the dinner table! My family has so much fun reading your blog (and Erica's).
Question for you, does the Kenmore that DaddyBoy gave you have the ability to do monograms? Would this machine be appropriate for a first time sewer?
Hey- just caught up on your blog- I am hoping you haven't bought everything on that list from yesterday's post... can't wait to check out her site- too cute! Glad to back on-line and in blog world- gotta catch up on them all
Oh my goodness! I showed that picture of Paige to AC and she thought it was hysterical!!!
She is too funny. You certainly have your hands full with that one.
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