It's a....

little man! :) We're really excited and I'm not sure what to think about a boy... my mind has been in "girl land" for the last 3 & 1/2 years! We had a great appointment and as far as we know everything looked great and healthy. He's measuring a week ahead which doesn't surprise us... both the girls did at this point too! Thankfully all the L.D.'s (Little Debbies) didn't have too much effect on my L.B.'s (as in lbs) ... I thought for sure I'd break a record for weight gained in a month... that'll probably be next month! Anyway, just thought I'd share the exciting news! We're thrilled and I'm even more thrilled for Justin, he's a great father to the girls and I know he'll be a great father to his son! :) It even sounds weird saying it!!
YEAH!! I am so happy for you!! If you need any boy advice I'm sure I've dealt with almost every topic out there.
Good luck!
Awesome!!!! praise God for a good Dr. appt and sweet baby boy!! Congratulations!
Darby and gang--Congratulations! I love how it looks like he is waving to his momma and daddy in the first sonogram picture. So cute!
Who would've thunk it??? I just can't believe it. I am so happy for you!
D-- congrats! We only have 1 boy in our family, but with all the girls around he is a precious, sweet boy!
That's such exciting news :)
A little boy! So much fun! He will be absolutely precious. And praise the Lord everything looked good! What do the girls think about a little brother?
Congrats to you all!!! Little boys are soooo much fun! You all will have a blast and I'm so happy that Justin will have a son! As you know, Dave is the youngest boy of three sisters...there's no telling what Morgan and Paige will have baby boy Stickler into!!! Dave has the funniest stories!!!
I am so happy for all of you. The big sisters must be beside themselves !
We are very happy for you! The Hamilton's
congratulations!! how exciting...and what a blessing that all looks healthy!!
That is wonderful!!! I am so excited for you and your family. I bet your little girls are going to love having a brother. Little boys are so so fun!
Praise the Lord! What fun news!
PS. Man, I am just astonished at the clarity of ultrasound technology today! It is definitely clear that it's a boy =)
Well well well, what praytell are we going to do with a "little man"? Morgan and Paige are going to be dressing him up in princess costumes and bossing him around like he's a little slave.
good news: David Corrie & Daniel Headlee turned out pretty well... I'm sure "boy stick" will be perfect!
Mommasis is elated!
How exciting, Congratulations!!! Huge praise that everything looks good, I hope you are feeling better. Can't wait to hear more!!! much much love to everyone
That's awesome! Congrats!!
Congratulations on the baby boy!!! That is so exciting!
PS: i meant to tell you, i heard an ad on the radio today, and kroger is having a sale on little debbie's: 10 for $10!! stock up while you can...
...i am a twinkie girl!
congratulations, darby!!! how exciting! i know what you mean about not knowing what to do with the opposite gender... at this point, i can't imagine a girl! i know that baby boy will sure love his momma. :)
aaah! congratulations!!!!! i know you guys are thrilled. i can't wait to tell my brother-in-law - as the father of two darling little girls, this will give him tremendous hope!!
Welcome to the land of BLUE! We're so excited for you! I told MW and she said, "they should name him Jewelry Money. Yeah, that's a good name." Hee hee!
Congratulations! I am so glad he is healthy and everything looks great. You can definitely tell he is a boy! That is so exciting!!
Congrats! I am sure you will LOVE having a little man. I sure do!
Congrats! A boy!! Little boys LOVE their mommies, but WOW what a difference from girls they are! Get ready!! So happy for you guys!
Laura and Fam
how fun! congrats!
oh I am SO happy for you! you'll be great with a little boy, and I'm sure Justin is elated! I'm glad to hear he's healthy, congratulations!!!
Yeah!!! Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you guys. Maybe we can exchange some names. I am having a hard time picking boy names. It is also so reassuring when you hear that the baby his healthy. I am so excited for you guys!!!
D & Justin...Congrats to you both! I'll bet those girls will have their little brother in that stroller soon enough...move over Carol. We love you, Clay and Lenzie
When I told the children, LF said- I know, his name is Thomas-
I think it is wonderful!!! We are so excited for ya'll- we would have been with a girl too!
Darby that is so exciting. Our little man's picture looked exactly like doubt as to his gender. I so happy for you, Justin and the girls. I am glad that everything is healthy with you and baby boy Stickler.
Congrats! Boys are so much fun. As a big sis of a baby boy, I can't imagine life without one!
Sweet Baby Boy!!!!
That is WONDERFUL NEWS! I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY everything is good! Sawyer-man is the first boy too-you know! So far, so good! :) D-thanks for your sweet, encouraging note! I plan to be able to see you and all the Sticklers much more after the move! LOVE YOU!
That is sooo exciting! The girls are just going to love all the fun boy toys! So glad he is so healthy and perfect! HOORAY!
How much fun to have a little boy in the Stickler mix!! Congrats!
sorry to add another comment, but just wanted to tell you that we found out this week we are alos having a boy (due in july). little boys are so much fun and they love their mammas to pieces...i'm sure little girls do too, but i've only had experience with little guys. get excited! :-)
How FUn!!! I cant wait to meet him! ALso.. I found out easter is during spring break.. so I wont be comming to Dothan, I will be at HOMe for the first time in 3 years on easter!!!
Congrats on your fantastic news!!! A baby boy will be so exciting. I think that boys toys, clothes, bedding, etc are so much fun. We are so happy for you all!!!
Congrats!! I love having a little boy , I know you guys will have so much fun!
CONGRATS Sticklers!! I'm thrilled for you and know that that sweet little boy will be loved beyond belief! As if he isn't already! I pity any girl who tries to steal his heart...I'm quite sure his two older sisters will be mucho protective! :) Love you!
How exciting! Where is a belly shot? I always love a belly shot! :)
I'm with ya...I wouldn't know what to do with a boy, but from what I hear, it's a whole new kind of love! :)
I can't believe I haven't talked to YOU about this yet, but we are SO PUMPED that you are going to have a little boy!! It gives me some hope that we are not going to have to have 5 kids trying to have one ourselves. I am just kidding (sort of), but the Lord knows what we need!
congrats, sticklers! he is one lucky little boy already. :) i know his big sisters will adore him. hope you're feeling better, darby!
kristin (etter) horlings
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