What now?
Morgan & "Mom"
My mom came up with the idea of heading to the beach to visit with Erika and Chance before heading back to the freezing cold, snow-laden Illinois.... who could blame her? I'm still trying to convince her there is no better place to live than the Deep South. The 76 degree weather today and sunshine will hopefully help me with my persuasion. They got 4 inches of snow at home over the weekend... who would want to go back to that? Anyway, we've had an absolutely wonderful time and Morgan and Paige absolutely adore "Mom" (as they call her). Morgan has slept with her everynight since "Daddyboy" (their name for my dad) left. When she decided to go to the beach before heading home she thought it would be only appropriate that she take the 2 crumb-crunchers with her. I argued a little (b/c I wasn't sure she knew what she was in for) but in the end she won and they headed out this morning for their BIG adventure. She has a big car with DVD players so hopefully the hour & 45 minute trip will fly by and the girls will behave. Once they get there she may change her mind and put them back in their car seats and bring them home. We'll see. They've been gone a few hours and the house is quiet and I'm wondering what it was that I did before I had children. So far, I've showered (by MYSELF and didn't hurry), ate lunch with my husband (in PEACE & QUIET) and then decided I'd sit in a rocking chair (WITHOUT A CHILD IN MY LAP) on the back patio and soak in the warm sun! What a treat it has been so far. She didn't say when she was returning... we packed 3 outfits and I can only imagine she won't be gone for more than a day or two! For now, I'm savoring every minute of it... while listening to the 4 dogs we are house-sitting ferociously bark at the neighbors & I'm not doing anything to stop it! :)

PS: Momma Sissy featured our kitchen on her blog this weekend... in case you are interested you can click here to see it: http://urbangraceinteriors.typepad.com/the_blog/2008/02/6k-kitchen-appl.html
How awesome for you!!! Not that I think you should spend too much of your "free" time on the blog, but I can't wait to hear what else you do empty handed, literally. Enjoy!!!
What a treat! I know you adore those little angels, but time off overnight sounds glorious! And your mom is one brave lady - I think I might have to brag on her to my mom in hopes the idea sticks with her for the future!
Wow-I am so happy for you...Hope you get lots of sleep and keep on relaxing while they are gone-What a blessing to have your mom help you out! Love ya
PLEASE enjoy yourself and rest, rest, rest while you've got a chance! I always feel guilty for somewhat enjoying my children being away with their grandparents. But then I realize that Moms deserve a little breather every once in a while, so have a peaceful couple of days to yourself! Did you get my email about that pattern I'm on the hunt for???
I'm not a betting lady but I bet "MOM" can handle it! After all, she had two cute crumb-crunchers about 28 years ago herself! ;o)
Have FUN Darbs!
What memories she is making. I was so happy to hear from you. Enjoy your time alone. It might not happen again for a while. Robin
You know Mom is loving this! She and Momma Sissy are eating up your little doll-faces!! She looks like a proud lady pulling out with her precious cargo!! :) How nice!!!
I know you are loving a little break and I know it is well deserved, but was it hard to let them go? I've never spent the night away from Emma Raines, I know the day will come, but it's just so hard to imagine: )! I can't wait to hear about their trip and all that you did while you were by yourself.
p.s.-your kitchen looks beautiful. I enjoy reading Erika's blog. I can't wait to see pictures of the rest of your house!!
FOUR DOGS??? you are brave!
i am thoroughly enjoying your before /after pics of the kitchen! i would love to stop by sometime on my way passing through!!! miss ya girl!!
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