My friend Susie has been growing sprouts and I've been thinking about how exciting that would be! Well they went out of town this weekend and I had the pleasure of babysitting the sprouts and the pleasure of eating the sprouts. I never knew you could grow your own sprouts but let me tell you... they are FABULOUS! If you like sprouts you have to try this... if you don't like sprouts you need to try them again because they are simply delicious, healthy and organic (Ashley-- you should grow sprouts & grind your own flour!). I put mine on a turkey sandwich today and topped it with submarine oil & vinegar dressing... mmm!! Her "sprouter" came from the Rescue Mission Thrift store... don't go there to get one, they probably won't get another one for 10 years. But they have them on ebay but don't buy that one... I'm wanting it! :) Her seeds were already sprouting when she delivered them and I watered them 2x a day and covered with a damp cloth. The ones on ebay come with instructions. She bought the alfalfa seeds at the local health food store. You're supposed to soak the seeds over night and then put them in the sprouter... and in 4-7 days you have delicious sprouts! Go ahead... try it out! They're delicious. I love them on salads, wraps, and sandwiches! They're especially good on a tuna melt sandwich!! Just thought I'd pass this along... go ahead and give it a try! Tomorrow I'm going to post about my yummy smoothies I've been making... I just feel the need to share the love! :)
Darby - I am SO proud! I mean, growing your own food and making homemade smoothies? I love it! Please keep us updated; I've actually been trying to find some really easy homemade smoothie recipes. Some have just too many ingredients! Oh, and get excited - I am now shopping for the allusive wheat mill. I'm close to finding my prize and using my b'day money to make the purchase. Stay tuned!
Jenn has told me about these sprouts...they're famous! :) For a good smoothie, i will cut up a banana and freeze it. then combine frozen strawberries, the frozen banana pieces, and milk or orange juice(to cover about 1/2 the fruit), and puree. so yummy!
Interesting - it sort of looks like a chia pet!
I've NEVER known anyone who grew their own SPROUTS before! How cool!!
You're going to think this is crazy - but it's the best sandwich I've ever put in my mouth:
"Sunny Bird" (From the restaurant "Lonni's" in Tampa that I miss!!)
-Sliced turkey
-Rice bread (or not, but it's yum!)
-Cream cheese
-Sunflower seeds
-Honey French dressing (like 1,000 Island)
It is the best thing - you must try one!!
Hey Chia Hair grower-
You have won an award on my blog.
Check it out.
Your Sister
{the mother of two terriers}
I am impressed with the sprout growing!!! I am so sorry that your girls have had the flu--and croup! It is so hard to have sick kids and not be able to make them feel better. I hope they feel better very soon and that you don't catch it! Thanks for the advice on the lamps. I am definitely going to check out TJ Maxx. And maybe Goodwill too. I never thought of spray painting a lamp--that's a great idea!
So the first thing i thought of was when we went to CAL and going to Dooley's (that's what it's called right?) and getting an everything veggie bagel with lots of sprouts! And to think, I could make them in my own home!
What an organic post ! I will have to buy mine at the Brunos, that is if they still sell them. Glad you are all better. Robin
i'm not a sprout person...but that sandwich looks so good i may have to give this a try!
I hope the Morgan and Paiger are feeling better. That sounds absolutely miserable. This probably sounds very strange, but there is something sweet to me when Pace is REALLY sick (as long as it isn't throw-up sick). It's the only time she's ever willing to just lay in my lap--otherwise she's too busy. So, when I saw those two precious angels curled up on the couch together, I found myself wanting to snuggle up in between. As far as sprouts go--I wish I were a fan. You sound super healthy :)
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