House Renovation: {part 4: kitchen & FR}
For those of you who may be new... you can find the previous posts by clicking on these links:
As for the kitchen... it was quite a doozie, as you will see by the pictures below. However, we were not scared of a little panelling and we knew that paint can do wonders to walls and cabinets. Our biggest fight in these 2 rooms was the terrazzo flooring and for those of you who remember... I won. We also scraped the popcorn off the ceilings. We kept all the cabinets and painted them; removing the doors from the cabinets above the wall with the sink. We also extended the counter top where the fridge used to be and added an ice maker and fridge drawers. Justin built a shelf above them for the microwave and my cookbooks. The kitchen used to be "eat-in" with a lovely chandelier. We opted to extend the counters to form a bar and place our enormous fridge & freezer on the wall intended for a kitchen table. What used to look more like a very dark jail cell has a little life and brightness now. Kitchen purchases: appliances, counter tops, sink, faucet, recessed cans, the antique school house pendants (thanks, Sister), paint, floors, and bar stools (from Target!). Erika gave me a remnant of some fabric she had and I made a cafe curtain for above the kitchen window.
The family room is one room that is still in the "works" we're hoping for a mantel and we're still trying to figure out what we will do with the entertainment area to the right of the fireplace. In this room we painted the panelling and opened the wall between the LR and FR (I say "we" but really I should say, "JUSTIN"). The draperies came from what they called the "2nd Master" we call it the "Playroom". The draperies were the perfect width for the 12 foot sliding glass doors, but I preferred they have a little length to them... so once again, Sister came through clutch and ordered the fabric and had her "super women" seamstresses band them for me! The curtain rod(2 8ft polls that meet in the middle) and rings all came from Home Depot. If you're new you can read about the fun chair here. The rug is an outdoor rug from Pottery Barn and it's great because it looks like sisal but isn't. It's banded in a navy blue.
Here are some pictures:

Hi! I have been reading for quite some time; however, I have never posted a comment. I am really impressed by the amazing transformation of your new home!
Today, I was working on cleaning my own home (what a way to spend my spring break). I was cleaning my hardwood floors and immediately thought of you. In a previous post, you mentioned your problem with streaks on the floor after using the wet Swiffer. I clean my floors with Bruce Hardwood Floor Cleaner. I bought a kit at Lowe's, which came with a bottle of cleaner and then the "mop" with reusable cleaning pads. I really like the cleaner and have never had a problem with streaks. It might be something that you might want to try!
Here's to clean and organized homes!
LOVE IT!!! Wish I could have seen it in person while we were in Dothan...maybe next time?!
I LOVE a before and after!! I can't wait to see more. It looks amazing!!
Are you looking for a job? I could use some help.
i love you,
WOW!!! Everything looks so good!!!
L-O-V-E it, your kitchen makes me smile so big, i love simple clean lines. And the navy chair is so good lookin'. How awesome that you were able to recycle the window treaments and they look incredible.
Inspirational indeed! I love that you guys could reuse the cabinets - a huge plus! Oh, and I laughed seeing your husband in the background while you're taking pictures - I wonder sometimes what our hubs think a/b all this blogging...I guess they're just "along for the ride!"
i am so jealous of your talent for recognizing a diamond in the rough....and actually making it happen. wanna come do my house?
Looks AWESOME Darby! Design must be in your blood. :)
Your house looks fantastic! I have really enjoyed the before and after pictures. Ya'll have really put in some hard work, time and effort.
Wow, wow and wow. You must submit these to Renovation Home or other mag. You did wonders for this space. So bright, sophisticated and cheerful!
And most impressive is I did not read one complaint about you living through renovation. I still need therapy from mine last summer and fall. Don't read my upcoming blog about my kitchen, I'm quite the complainer.
You are one talented cookie. Love it all!
I can't even remember how I found your blog but I too have been a silent observer..until now of course. Thanks for sharing those great photos, so inspiring. Your family is adorable. I look forward to seeing th e rest.
I'm the renovation itself, but also b/c you're so good at keeping pictures of before and after...not to mention keeping all of us (your fans :)) updated to the date!
Thank you, girl!
P.S. I want to meet Erika, too. :) You girls seem to have such a sweet relationship.
Hello!!! I found your blog through Ashley Brown Williams - she goes to church with us and has the most precious family! Anyway...she got me into this blogging thing and I really love reading what everyone else is doing more than I like posting on my own blog. I have been reading your posts for some time now, but never commented. Reading your posts is for sure a highlight in my day - so inspirational in more ways than one!!! I love all the "informational" posts you do, and the house looks great and your girls are precious! God is good!!!
Everything looks SO good, Darby! I'm so impressed by all the work you & Justin have've created a beautiful home. Question for you - where did you get the chair covered in the white & black/brown (?) fabric? I LOVE it.
I just happened upon your blog thru my friend, Dena and instantly fell in love with your blog! I grew up in south Georgia and my parents just moved from Blakely (Ga) last year to join the rest of us here in Oklahoma! All the work you've been doing on your house is so inspiring and one of my favorite hobbies, as well. Although, I haven't had near as much time or money to work on as I'd like. Your house looks amazing and I can't wait to see more :)
Hi! I am Laura McQueen's sister and have been keeping up with your blog through Laura and Erika. You are such an inspiration to me! I have my eye on this house in town that I am dying to buy...its a diamond in the rough and needs some work...(although I must say there is luckily no brown paneling and no wallpaper!) I have truly enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your progress! Thanks for the inspiration. Now I just have to inspire my husband!!!
D- it is remarkable - a magazine really should feature what you've done!! Love the house, love the pictures of the girls swimming and love you! -Allyson
My favorite are the countertops and curtains! You have quite a talent. How long did this project take?
people come out of the wood work with a before and after like that!!!
i'm another lurker - have no idea how i found you ... but, i'm sure it is an auburn friend of a friend of a friend ... maybe Chris Hill actually.
anyway ... your house looks AMAZING. i love it ... i literally could stare at the pics forever just admiring all you've done.
keep the pics coming!!
wow wow wow -- it looks so great! the white, navy and green are so fresh!
and those curtains! I don't know if I would have been able to see past the valances and side drapes!
It looks fantastic! Just simply amazing.
Wow, that is perfect. Love it.
I am sure you have answered these questions before.....however I am in the middle of transforming my kitchen and horrific bathroom as well. What type countertop and faucet did you put in the kitchen? our kitchen is really similar in taste and colors and I am about to be looking for new countertops?Thanks!Love your blog its my nightly release after the kids!
I can't believe what you guys have done with your house. I've been looking at all the renovation posts and I am amazed! Gorgeous!
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