Diet Coke or Jesus...

If the truth be told, which is what I strive for around here, this past summer has probably been the hardest one I've ever faced in my short life on this planet. And the reason I suspect it's been so hard {physically, emotionally, maritally} is because I've been living on Diet Coke and not Jesus. I'm sure there will be a handful of you who will stop reading here because you'll think, "She's lost her mind and is a religious freak" and that's ok if you think that but like I said, I strive to tell the truth around here and so I will. We're in a "hard season" {as Justin likes to say}... 3 kids... 2 toddlers... and one newborn. We don't sleep. I yell at my precious children. My husband has 2 businesses that are rather slow. If there was anything I needed this summer it was Jesus and not Diet Coke. But guess what I chose? Diet Coke. Yes, full of caffeine to make me think I was doing ok and ZERO calories which left me feeling very empty by the end of the summer.
Without accountability of some sort I am a total slacker. So, with all of this said... I am absolutely delighted that SUMMER is OVER and FALL is HERE because I'm back into Bible study and I KNOW from past experience that if Jesus will replace the Diet Coke things will be looking up around here in no time, and if they don't "look" up... at least I know where my strength will come from and it will certainly have more than ZERO calories.
I tell you this to encourage you, because if you are a "slacker like me" {which from past confessions, I imagine some of y'all are in the same boat} if you'll find someone or a study to hold you accountable it's alot easier to give up the Diet Coke*.
*I am speaking figuratively here. By no means do I intend to give up Diet Coke {at least not now} but I guarantee it won't be my life support, but merely a supplement!
Love you D! You're a special girl I tell ya!!
Darby, you're on the right track!! Your faith always inspires me.
Amen sista!
My subject would say "coffee or Jesus" and my Bible study starts 2 weeks from now... can't wait! Love you and Raiger is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Also wanted to note: your bathroom is bright and cheery... you might miss the yellow if you ever get around to renovating. I LOVE YOU!
Darby, I've just recently "discovered" you. How wild. I journaled this a.m. almost the exact words! I used the word "slacker." And, I LOVE's rebirth for me! Like you, I'm going for Jesus. I love your truth! Thanks!
Wow, i was just praying for accountability this morning. I am totally right there with you. I have a deep thirst that has been filled with other things. The only way it is to be filled is with Christ.
What a great revelation, and as always, we appreciate your honesty! Soft drinks are sweet and delightful, but Jesus - man, that will fill you up! Yay for fall bible studies! Can't wait to see what you study!
Darby, just wanted to say "I can totally relate." I'm one of your "blog stalkers" and love your open and honest heart. Summers are always bad for me and when I'm prego, it is even worse. What is even worse than that...I disciple high-school girls. Praise God for school and routines!! I meet with the girls to hold them accountable to their spiritual disciplines, but what they don't is my accountability too! You r in my prayers!
Thank you for sharing...I hadn't realized my problem until you explained you, Diet Coke has been 'my savior'! I love your transparancy and's refreshing!
I felt the EXACT same way all summer. Been hangin' on by a thread spiritually. It's not pretty, just ask my four children and husband. Poor souls.
Thanks for inspiration.
This was posted on my blog:
I came across your blog through the Dothan blog-web. Too cute!
What in the world is Dothan blog-web?? You know?
& Wonder why I'm in it?!?!
i'm starving, spiritually, as well. been so for a while now....wanting to get back on track. thanks for the honesty in letting me know i'm not alone...
on a side note...about to post about my sewing adventures this weekend. i'm a newbie, but tried that little fun! thanks for the link to the tutorial!!!
I'm proud of you, Darby!!
You just can't beat the accountability of our Lord, whether it's straight from His Word, through prayer, through a brother or sister...
What Bible study are you going through???
Love the Raiger's hair! :)
Amen!!!! Isn't that the truth!!!
Just today I signed my younger two up for this year's Sunday school classes and Alex for his second grade PSR -- he makes his first communion this year! As I left the church office I felt lighter and so ready to begin a new year. Amazing what a little faith can do!
And by the way, I hear you on the yelling...I've lost my patience with my three too many times recently. Oh, I hate how I feel when I'm the mean mommy. Thanks for your post...your honesty is always SO refreshing!
By the way, Kate only had a 1/2 day of Kgarten today, and I got to go with her. Tomorrow is the BIG day, when she rides the bus and is gone the WHOLE day. :( I really need to update my blog, so tomorrow will be a good day. I'll have school pics and her 6th bday pics to post.
One more thing -- your bathroom rocks! :)
I start Bible Study Wednesday and am so ready! I NEED accountability!
Girl, I'm so with you. It has been a very hard season in our lives the past few years. I have lived on Diet Coke too, and don't plan to give it up but I'm trying to start a small group to do the Five Love Languages study. By the way, check my post again. I accidentally hit post before I finished my post. If you go back now it will explain all of the pics. Keep your chin up. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger-From the great theologian Kayne West:)
The thing I like best about Diet Coke is the fizz. The way it bubbles as it goes down. Although, when I think about it, our Savior is so much more satisfying! How wonderful it is to go to Him for wisdom and patience on a daily basis and KNOW He will sustain us. You are in my prayers. I can only IMAGINE how your life is with three small, dependant children. My advice? RELY on Jesus and simply enjoy the diet coke! :)
I've been living in la la land with all my books. I feel you sister!
thanks for sharing darby and encouraging me. i feel like i've been living on diet cokes for about three years now. i am ready to be filled up with Jesus too.
Great your honesty! I know there are those "things" that I rely on that leave me empty handed! You are a great mama. We never get it "perfect" this side of heaven. How thankful I am for my Savior that never leaves me. Betsy always said, "God is glorified in repentance." This freed me in a MAJOR way to realize I will NEVER get it right, but what I do when I don't is where growth can happen in spite of myself~
I am right there with you! My drug of choice is Vanilla Coke Zero...the coke I WAS drinking was taking it's toll on my waistline. I'm trying to get back to Jesus too...working on it.
Oh, I hear you Darby. I hear you loud and clear, and can relate...
Dana McCain
P.S. I love your disclosure at the bottom that you have no intention of giving up D.C.! Hilarious!
Crap!that is a reminder that I need more diet cokes
What a great post. A friend of mine sent me here, I'm glad she did. Love your transparency.
Hey D! I'm with you. Getting very frustrated with everything and need to step back and realize what truly matters. It's so easy to lose focus. I'll call you soon and update you on my fertility staus...still trying. Hope all is well. I love you!
i was just thinking about this "season" in my life as well. and i do the same thing honey. tired=yelling at my house. i'm not proud, but i'm honest. i think i need to devote a blog to this season. cause it is HARD!! and as long as it is diet, i'll probably drink it. diet dr pepper and cherry coke zero are on top of my list, though. and i cannot wait to start my new Bible study in the next couple of weeks!
Great post D! I have been feeling the same way and desperately needed some structure myself. I went to Lifeway and bought a new Beth Moore study to kick my butt into gear!
I love your truthfulness....when I first came across your blog I loved it because of all the cute ideas I got on making clothes for my granddaughters. I shared it with my daughter (who has three youngs boys) and she said you were her favorite because you didn't "sugar coat" things. This is another TELL IT LIKE IT REALLY IS post. We all should learn from this one!!!!
Do you realize this post could almost be a devotional? Just slap a scripture onto the end and publish that baby. (My vice is Dr. Pepper - okay, one of my vices.)
Darby, Great post! This is so true for many aspects of my life. And I thnk that if we all realize that this IS just a season, then it makes it a smidgen easier to get through.
You're on it!!! That's awesome!
I did a great study this summer- Beth Moore's Believing God- and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. I know yours will be the same way!
And when I do Coke- I go fully loaded- no Diet business. I like my calories fizzy and syrup-y.
How REAL you are, my dear! And Jesus Loves you for that! He says in His Word, "If we confess our sins , He will cleanse us"! How delightful is that! It is also called GRACE, God's Unmerited Favor! We all need that, don't we!
Getting back to your Bible Study and fellowship with other Believers will do the trick. Thanks for sharing your spiritual struggles, because I am sure we can all relate! I know I can!
<>< A sista in Christ
Oh honey! I found your blog through your sister's blog (I am a design junkie). I had four children in four years (there were twins in there). The youngest are now two and this has been the hardest summer for me as well! I have lost my patience, my mind, my peace. My husband is an entrepreneur as well and that has just added stress. My oldest is back to school (kindergarten--watch out it happens fast!)and I can see the light! After these long days of summer, I feel frazzled and far away from God. I too need to make the time to center myself in Him. Blessings to you dear one. Your work is sacred.
Hi's jen from San Diego...i just have to tell you again how much i can relate to you!! i just started back on diet coke this week. After i had Carley, back in March, i gave up caffiene...i thought it was a good time to do it after my C section. I finally admitted to myself how much i need that to get thru my days...although i pray constantly too! i just feel like i need the extra oomf!
Amen, Sista! Boy, can I ever relate.
One of the CUTEST pictures I have ever seen!
The Lettered Cottage
Seriously, that is one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen!
The Lettered Cottage
i mean this just spoke to me and i read it to my friend on the phone. so true. praise Jesus for friends and His word. and for diet coke. (im just sayin...). thanks for your inspiration in Him, creativity, being a good and fun mom and for everything else!
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