For all you stalkers...

We made it home late Tuesday night and I'm still recovering. It took us 12 hours on the dot to get there and thankfully only 11 & 1/2 hours to get home. Justin's taking the computer for the day so I thought I'd just post a quick one and tell you we made it out alive. The stay itself was very relaxing and extremely enjoyable. The trip wasn't horrible... just long and tiring. Before I went I thought a Suburban was a big vehicle, after cramming 7 people, 2 dogs, luggage and a big cooler in it felt more like a mini Cooper. Nonetheless, fabulous memories were made and lots of laughs along the way. Here are just a couple pics and I'll try to get the rest on Picasa and post more specifics soon! I'm still up to my eyeballs in laundry and luggage... oh, and poopy diapers from a young man who has decided that he's going to be a "cryer"... Lord, please help me! :)

I didn't get too many fabulous pictures but this is pretty much what Erika did this weekend. I know if no one but Marla appreciates it it's worth posting because it absolutely cracks me up! :) Her camera is AWESOME and I tried to figure out how to steal it, but considering it never left her face, the most creative plans were never acted on!
Looking forward to recapping the whole weekend soon!
Hey You! So glad you're back safe and sound. I couldn't wait to see some pictures of the "trip." Happy laundry day!
I've missed you, Darby!! :)
Well, take your time getting unpacked and settled! Gosh, you and I are just're not gonna take your time, you're gonna wiz through it, just as I would! :)
I'm glad you all got that fun time together!!
Looking forward to the re-cap whenever you get around to it! ;)
It could widen my imagination towards the things that you are posting.
welcome home!
you are really going to regret posting that photo.
that's all i got to say.
i have been waiting to hear about this. less than 3 weeks with just my 5...but like i said, i have a car seat hater and it's not gonna be pretty. so glad you had a good time and daddyboy got his girls home and that you made it safely!
I'm glad you made it back - I am a stalker and I have been looking for a post! I had a crier too (my second) - you'll make it Darby! It usually subsides by 3 months! Great to have you back!
Glad you are all home safe. Your dad is a lucky man! Can't wait to see the pics.
I've been waiting to see how it went. :) Glad everyone is in one piece!!
I'm so glad you survived and still like each other! I prayed for y'all during travel times. Looking forward to more posts. . .
I'm cracking up at how Chance's shoulders are squeezed behind each car seat in the back!
YAY! Cant wait to hear all about the trip and see those pictures! Ive been "friendly stalking" for days...
I have clicked on so many times to see if you are home. Can't wait to see the pics.
i can't wait to hear all about it too, and i can't wait to see what erika finds to post of you since you included that last picture of her! :) y'all are funny!
Hey-i want to come! any day except wednesday next week is good for me. tell me when you want me, and i'm there!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to the upcoming pictures! Glad you're home safe.
SO glad ya'll are home! I know it was fun, but I know you are glad to be home! C was a crier. He was my hardest!!! I though it would never end- but it did. It will pass- you might not have any hair or nerves left, but it will pass!
wow - weren't yall brave - and by weekend trip you can't mean like friday - monday??? Glad you made it back - SANE!
Ready to hear about the vacay!
Hey-what's the verdict, did you stop to nurse or nurse on the road? As a first time parent's our trip took three hours longer than usual because of course we stopped:-)Love ya!
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